NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. NAI Scientist Receives Guggenheim Fellowship

    James Farquhar from NAI’s Carnegie Institution of Washington Team is a recipient of the prestigious 2008 Guggenheim Fellowship. The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowships are extremely competitive and are given to advanced professionals in many fields. Please join NAI in congratulating James!!!

    With the support of his Guggenheim Fellowship, James will be taking sabbatical leave to work with Don Canfield (University of Southern Denmark). Farquhar and Canfield will be extending their research on understanding the ways that different types of sulfur metabolisms work, initiating a project on the sulfur chemistry of a meromictic (stratified) lake in Switzerland, and pursuing a long-term project to study isotope effects during oxidation of aqueous sulfur species.

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    1. Aug 25, 2008
      Pournan Letchoumanane said:

      Congratulations, Dr James Farquhar et al !

      Sulfur metabolisms unearth evolution of life, kindled by volcanic or by meteorite activity on a yet-support life planet. Explorations of Hydrothermal vents and the recent finding of life around supercritical fluid at the south mid-atlantic ridge could can also be rewarding us with great findings about how life might have originated. They can even provide us with a model of how volcano infested planets might evolve life.

      Wish you all success!

      Pournan Letchoumanane

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