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Nonstop Segment Data

The Nonstop Segment Data are what is transported on nonstop flights, and the operational statistics of those flights.

Name Description Type
year Data Year char(4)
month Data Month char(2)
origin Origin Airport Code (code is either OAG or OAI assigned) char(3)
origin_id Origin Numeric Id (OAI assigned) char(5)
origin_wac Origin World Area Code (Alaska =  “001”) char(3)
origin_city_name Origin Airport/City Name char(35)
dest Destination Airport Code (code is either OAG or OAI assigned) char(3)
dest_id Destination Numeric Id char(5)
dest_wac Destination World Area Code (Alaska =  “001”) char(3)
dest_city_name Destination Airport/City Name char(35)
carrier_code Carrier Code (code is either IATA or OAI assigned) char(3)
entity_code OAI assigned – unique code char(5)
group Group Code classifies the US air carriers by the amount of total operating revenue for the previous year.
  • Regional Carriers – 1 (Includes Large, Medium, Commuter, Small Certificated)
  • National Carriers - 2
  • Major Carriers – 3
dist The great circle distance in statute miles between the Origin & Destination airports int
svc_class The Service Class Code refers to the class of service used:
  • F-Scheduled Passenger/Cargo Service
  • G-Scheduled All Cargo Service
  Aircraft Group, Aircraft Type, & Cabin Configuration  describe the aircraft used on the non-stop segment.  
ac_group Aircraft Group Code.  This code indicates the general category of aircraft type reported. char(1)
ac_type Aircraft Type Code.  This code indicates the specific make and model of the aircraft. char(2)
cabin_conf Cabin Configuration Code.  Passenger = “1” , Cargo = “2” , Combination Passenger/Cargo = “3”,  Amphibious = “4”. char(1)
act_deps The number of  revenue aircraft departures performed in revenue scheduled service, including extra sections. int
sch_deps The number of aircraft departures scheduled, whether or not actually performed int
capacity Available Capacity-Payload reflects the total available capacity for passenger, freight, and mail applicable to the aircraft with which this flight is performed. int
seats Available Seats reflect the actual number of seats for sale, excluding those blocked for safety or operational reasons. int
seats_first * Ignore this field.  Cabin (First, Coach, and Middle) passenger data are not identified for US air carriers operating in domestic markets. int
seats_middle * Ignore this field.   int
seats_coach * Ignore this field.   int
passengers Number of Passengers Transported (non-stop) between airports int
pax_first * Ignore this field.  Cabin (First, Coach, and Middle) passenger data are not identified for US air carriers operating in domestic markets.  int
pax_middle * Ignore this field.   int
pax_coach * Ignore this field.   int
freight Revenue Freight in pounds Transported (non-stop) between airports int
mail Revenue Mail in Transported (non-stop between) airports int
ramp_min Ramp-to-Ramp time is the total elapsed time computed from the moment the aircraft moves under its own power until it comes to rest at the next point of landing. int
air_min Airborne time is the elapsed time computed from the moment the aircraft leaves the ground until it touches down at the next point of landing. int
type The Type identifies that the points involved are DD=Domestic<>Domestic char(2)