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Publications of J. Yen

J. M. Brown Thomas, J. Yen, M. M. Schantz, B. J. Porter, K. S. Sharpless (submitted) 
Simultaneous Determination of Caffeine, Theobromine, and Theophylline in Standard Reference Material 2384, Baking Chocolate Using Reversed-phase Liquid Chromotography
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry

K. S. Sharpless, C. Phinney, L. J. Wood, J. Yen, D. W. Howell (submitted) 
Value Assignment of Nutrient and Aflatoxin Concentrations in Standard Reference Material 2387 Peanut Butter
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

P. D. Over, J. Yen (to appear) 
Intrinsic Evaluation of Intrinsic News Text Summarization Systems
Document Understanding Conference 2003, Edmonton Canada

R. Snelick, M. Indovina, J. Yen, A. Mink (to appear) 
Multimodal Biometrics: Issues in Design and Testing
the Fifth International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (Vancouver, Canada), November 2003

J. Yen, K. S. Sharpless, J. M. Brown Thomas, B. Nelson, C. Phinney, J. R. Sieber, L. J. Wood
Value Assignment of Nutrient Concentrations in Standard Reference Material 2384 Baking Chocolate
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, 2002, pp. 7069-7075

J. Yen, J. B. Quinn, R. N. Nathan, I. K. Lloyd
Subjective Ceramic Machinability and Material Properties
Machining Science and Technology, 6(2), 2002, pp. 1-9

J. Yen
Analysis of a Robust Variant of the Weighted Mean
Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings, 2002

C. R. Hagwood, R. N. Kacker, J. Yen, D. Banks, L. S. Rosenthal, L. J. Gallagher, P. E. Black
Software Testing by Statistical Methods
The Eleventh International Software Quality Week, San Francisco, CA, May 26-29, 1998., Session 8, pp 2-19

C. R. Hagwood, R. N. Kacker, J. Yen, D. Banks, L. S. Rosenthal, L. J. Gallagher, P. E. Black
Reliability of Conformance Tests
COMPSAC98, The Twenty-Second Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference, Vienna Austria, August 19-21, 1998, pp 368-372

R. M. Verkouteren, J. G. Gillen, S. Leigh, J. Yen, J. Brandenburg (2003) 
Vapor Preconcentration During Explosive Detection: Study of Variables in a NIST Standard Test System
AVS International Symposium, Baltimore, MD

J. R. Sieber, D. Broton, C. N. Fales, S. Leigh, B. S. MacDonald, A. F. Marlow, S. Nettles, J. Yen (2002) 
Standard reference materials for cements
Cement and Concrete Research, 32(12), pp. 1899-1906

J. Yen, J. M. Brown Thomas, M. C. Kline, L. Gill, D. L. Dewer, L. T. Sniegoski, K. S. Sharpless (2001) 
Preparation and Value Assignment of Standard Reference Material 968c Fat-Soluble Vitamins, Carotenoids, and Cholesterol in Human Serum,
Clinica Chimica Acta 2001;305:141-155.

W. F. Guthrie, G. F. Banks, K. Eberhardt, L. Gill, M. Levenson, H. Liu, M. Vangel, J. Yen, N. Zhang (2000) 
An Approach to Combining Results From Multiple Methods Motivated by the ISO GUM
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standars and Technology, Vol 105, No. 4, 2000, pp 571-579

E. Ronchetti, J. Yen (1986) 
Variance Stable R-estimators
Statistics, 17:189-199, 1986.

Date created: 6/5/2001
Last updated: 10/27/2004
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