IX. Agencies Listed by Size Categories

(as reported in May 2001)

"Large Agency’ Category *

(10,000+ employees)

Agency Name Reported Number of Employees Weighted Percentage by Category Size
Department of Defense 3,200,000 63.1332 %
Postal Service 800,000 15.7833
Department of Veterans Affairs 240,000 4.735
Department of the Treasury 162,119 3.1985
Department of Justice 124,870 2.4636
Department of Agriculture 100,000 1.9729
Department of Transportation 100,000 1.9729
Social Security Administration 65,000 1.2824
Department of Health and Human Services 62,999 1.2429
Department of the Interior 58,026 1.1448
Department of Commerce 41,711 0.8229
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 19,198 0.3788
Environmental Protection Agency 18,879 0.3725
Department of State 18,000 0.3551
Department of Labor 16,818 0.3318
Department of Energy 14,000 0.2762
General Services Administration 14,000 0.2762
Tennessee Valley Authority 13,031 0.2571
Total # for ‘Large Agency’ Category 5,068,651 100 %

‘Mid-Size Agency’ Category

(1,000-9,999 employees)

Agency Name Reported Number of Employees Weighted Percentage by Category Size
Department of Housing and Urban Development 9,300 16.5189 %
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 6,437 11.4336
Department of Education 4,611 8.1902
Small Business Administration 4,190 7.4424
Office of Personnel Management 3,699 6.5703
Equal Employment Opportunities Commission 3,055 5.4264
Securities and Exchange Commission 2,941 5.2239
National Archives and Records Administration 2,768 4.9166
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2,500 4.4406
Federal Emergency Management Agency 2,131 3.7851
Agency for International Development 2,074 3.6839
Federal Communications Commission 2,000 3.5525
National Labor Relations Board 1,947 3.4583
Federal Reserve System 1,642 2.9166
Joint Chiefs of Staff 1,268 2.2523
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 1,250 2.2203
National Science Foundation 1,250 2.2203
Peace Corps 1,112 1.9752
Railroad Retirement Board 1,102 1.9574
National Credit Union Administration 1,022 1.8153
Total # for ‘Mid-Size Agency’ Category 56,299 100 %

‘Small Agency’ Category

(100-999 employees)

Agency Name Reported Number of Employees Weighted Percentage by Category Size
Federal Trade Commission 960 12.5049 %
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency 860 11.2023
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 746 9.7173
Corporation for National and Community 630 8.2063
Commodity Futures Trading Commission 560 7.2945
Consumer Product Safety Commission 480 6.2524
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council 450 5.8617
American Battle Monuments Commission 369 4.8066
International Trade Commission 351 4.5721
Federal Election Commission 340 4.4288
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 280 3.6473
Farm Credit Administration 278 3.6212
Merit Systems Protection Board 233 3.0350
Federal Labor Relations Authority 216 2.8136
National Endowment for the Humanities 169 2.2014
Selective Service System 165 2.1493
National Endowment for the Arts 151 1.9669
Federal Maritime Commission 122 1.5892
Federal Housing Finance Board 110 1.4329
Office of Special Counsel 107 1.3938
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board 100 1.3026
Total # for ‘Small Agency’ Category 7,677 100%

‘Very Small Agency’ Category

(1-99 employees)

Agency Name Reported Number of Employees Weighted Percentage by Category Size
Office of Government Ethics 78 11.8361 %
Commission on Civil Rights 68 10.3187
Occupational Safety and Health Review 68 10.3187
National Capital Planning Commission 55 8.346
National Mediation Board 52 7.8907
Postal Rate Commission 50 7.5873
Inter-American Foundation 45 6.8285
Institute of Museum Services and Library 41 6.2215
Trade and Development Agency 41 6.2215
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 35 5.3111
Access Board 30 4.5524
Committee for Purchase from the Blind and 29 4.4006
African Development Foundation 26 3.9454
Morris K. Udall Foundation 17 2.5797
National Council on Disability 10 1.5175
Commission on Fine Arts 7 1.0622
Japan-U.S.Friendship Commission 4 0.6070
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation 3 0.4552
Total # for ‘Very Small Agency’ Category 659 100 %

*Update: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was not surveyed as a separate entity in this survey. The components agencies that are currently part of DHS were surveyed as part of their original agencies.

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Last Updated: 6/14/04