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EPIC Mail:

Read the Archives

  • announce - EPIC announcements for all EPIC users (internal PMEL and external users). Posting to "announce" is limited to the EPIC Team.
  • usergroup - EPIC user questions and answers, tips and techniques (internal PMEL and external users). Posting to "usergroup" is open to all EPIC users.
  • pmel-users (intranet view only) - EPIC announcements specific to NOAA/PMEL EPIC users. Posting to "pmel-users" is open to all PMEL EPIC users.

Post to the Mail Groups

Interacting with Majordomo

To subscribe, unsubscribe, or get information about the epic mail groups, send mail to epic-majordomo@noaa.gov with one of the following in the body of the message:

  • help - Get a list of the Majordomo commands.
  • subscribe mail_group - Subscribe yourself to the name mail_group.
  • unsubscribe mail_group - Unsubscribe yourself to the name mail_group.
  • info mail_group - Retrieve the general introductory information for the named mail_group.