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Passenger Origin-Destination Survey
Treatment Of "Contract Bulk Fare" Tickets

Number 211
Issue Date: 1/1/97
Effective Date: Immediately
Part: 241
Section: 19-7

The Department is concerned about the numerous occurrences of "unknown" fares (99999) appearing in the quarterly Passenger O&D Survey data as submitted by the reporting air carriers. In an effort to reduce the reporting of "unknown" fares, this directive clarifies the reporting of "contract bulk tickets." Accounting and Reporting Directive #143 allows reporting carriers to insert 99999 in the dollar-amount-of-fare when they were unable to determine the proper fare. This enabled the Department to differentiate contract bulk-fare tickets from frequent flyer tickets.

It appears that some carriers are making no effort to determine the proper fare value for contract bulk-fare tickets. Carriers should compute an average dollar value fare amount for reporting contract bulk-fare tickets. This figure would be computed by taking the contract revenues received from the contract-bulk operator for the particular routing for the quarter and dividing it by the actual number of bulk-fare passengers carried over that routing for the quarter.

This directive is issued under authority delegated in 14 CFR 385.27 (b).

If you have any questions in this matter please contact Mr. Bernie Stankus on (202) 366-4387.

Timothy E. Carmody
Timothy E. Carmody