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Operating Property and Equipment

1679 - Acquisition cost of land
1608.5 - Aircraft engine parts and assemblies
1604 - Aircraft communicational and navigational equipment 
1602  - Aircraft engines
1632 - Aircraft handling equipment
1603 - Aircraft propellers
1601 - Airframes
1608.1 - Airframe parts and assemblies
1638 - Airport and airways lighting equipment
1629 - Airworthiness reserves ‑ provisions
1629 - Airworthiness ‑ charges
1640.1, 1640.9 - Architect, draftsmen, engineering andlegal cost ‑ buildings
1635 - Automobiles
1632, 1634 - Auxiliary power equipment (ground)
1632 - Baggage handling equipment
1631 - Bedding and linens
1634 - Benches, stands and lockers
1631 - Beverage service equipment
1680, 1640.1 - Buildings and improvements, maintenance
1689, 1640.9 - Buildings and improvements, other
1635 - Buses
1634, 1636, 1638 - Cabinets
1632 - Cargo handling equipment
1631, 1632, 1634, 1636 - Cleaning equipment
1632, 1634, 1647 - Compressors and pumps  
1689 - Construction projects  
1632, 1634 - Cranes, hoists and conveyors
1636 - Data processing equipment
1636 - Drafting and copying equipment
1640, 1679 - Drainage, drainage systems
1636 - Draperies, decorations and floor coverings  
1636 - Electrical accounting machines
1634, 1636 - Environmental control systems and equipment (other than flight equipment) for heating and cooling
1634 - Finishing and drying equipment
1638 - Firearms and security devices  
1689 - Flight equipment (modifications, improvements, etc.)
1606 - Flight crew equipment
1631 - Food preparation, preservation, storage and transport equipment    
1636 - Furniture and fixtures
1634, 1637 - Generators and motors (ground equipment)
1679 - Grading (land)
1632 - Heating and air conditioning equipment
1632, 1634 - Inspection and test equipment
1689 - Interest, capitalized
1634 - Jigs, dies and guages
1631 - Kitchenware
1579 - Land
1679 - Landscaping
1632 - Loading devices ard equipment
1635 - Marine equipment
1636 - Mechanical office equipment
1638 - Medical equipment
1635 - Motor trucks
1632, 1634, 1635, 1637 - Motorized equipment
1608 - Parts and assemblies (flight equipment)  
1630 - Passenger service equipment, full complements assigned to aircraft for active line operations
1606 - Passenger survival
1638 - Photographic equipment
1637 - Pipe lines
1634 - Plating equipment
1632, 1634 - Portable lighting equipment
1632, 1634 - Portable scaffolding and ladders
1634 - Power driven machines
1637 - Refueling pits and related equipment
1636 - Reservations equipment
1638 - Safety equipment
1638 - Snow removal equipment
1634, 1637 - Storage tanks, drums and bins
1640 - Streets and sidewalks
1640.1, 1640.9 - Structures for aircraft, passengers, offices and communications
1637 - Tankers and fuel motor trucks
1634 - Tools (hand)
1634 - Salvage equipment
1635 - Station wagons
1638 - Training equipment
1634, 1637 - Valves, hoses, nozzles and meters  
1632, 1634, 1637 - Vehicles (hand operated)
1634 - Welding equipment