Definition of EMS for this Document
Federal Agencies Can Help Advance EMS Research
Executive Summary
History of EMS Research
The Present State of EMS Research
Overcoming the Barriers to EMS Research
Appendix A: The National EMS Research Agenda Writing Team
Appendix B: Organizations Invited to Participate in the National Review Team
Appendix C: Ethical Standards and IRB Requirements
Appendix D Inclusion Of Women And Minorities In Research Study Populations Involving Human Subjects
Inclusion Of Children As Participants In Research Involving Human Subjects
Appendix E: Bibliographic List of Internet Links
Appendix F: Published EMS Randomized Clinical Trials

Appendix C: Ethical Standards and IRB Requirements

·         Complete information about ethical standards and IRB requirements can be found at both the National Academies of Science IRB home page and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (DHHS) Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) website ( That website also has links to sites with additional information.

·         The Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR 46) is available at

·         Food and Drug Administration Requirements for Human Research, including Requirements for Exemption from Informed Consent for Emergency Research (21 CFR 50) is available here: The Belmont Report, which was an important basis for the development of ethical research standards in the U.S., can be found at A tutorial on ethical requirements for research that was designed for employees of the NIH but available to anyone is available here:

·         The National Association of EMS Physicians website contains information on ethical challenges in emergency medical services at

·         Suggested Reading: Mahon NE, Yarcheski A: Ethical concerns in research with adolescents. J Ped Nurs 1988; 3(5):341-344.