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New Hampshire Ups the Total to 25 States Supporting Selective Service Registration

New Hampshire has just become the 25th state to pass legislation requiring young men to register with the Federal Selective Service System before qualifying for state jobs or enrolling in state colleges.  Bill 313, signed Friday, July 31, 1998, by Governor Jeanne Shaheen, directs that young men who are required to register, but have not done so, will be denied admission and financial aid for state colleges and universities.  They will also be ineligible for state jobs.

"Men who register not only help America, but they help themselves," said Gil Coronado, Director of the Selective Service System.  "We are making every effort to inform men that they should not close the doors on future opportunities by failing to register," Coronado added.

Since 1982, Federal Pell Grants and student loans have been denied to men who fail to register with Selective Service.  This prompted many states to enact state laws that mirror this Federal statute.  Beginning in 1995, Federal law requires men to be registered with SSS to remain eligible for most Federal government jobs.  The New Hampshire law mirrors both Federal laws by conditioning eligibility for state jobs and student financial aid on a man's registration.

The principal sponsors of the New Hampshire bill were Senator Jack Barnes and Representatives Jim McDonald and Dennis Fields who steered SB 313 through a gamut of committees in both chambers of the New Hampshire legislature, before winning passage in both the House and the Senate.

"This is a positive and meaningful effort that will help increase on-time registration in the state," noted Bob Dastin, State Director of the Selective Service for New Hampshire.  The new law should help maintain New Hampshire's standing as one of the highest compliance states in the Nation.

For further information, contact:
Mr. Bob Dastin, Selective Service State Director for New Hampshire at 603-627-8196.


Last Updated April 30, 2002
©2007 Selective Service System