If you have an interest in Security-enhanced Linux, we encourage you to join the developers' mailing list, look at the source code, and provide your feedback (or code.) There is a long list of things on the To Do List, and we encourage your help. If you are a US citizen and are interested in working on projects like this, you might also consider looking at the National Security Agency as an employer.

Your comments, improvements, and constructive criticism are important to the future and success of Security-enhanced Linux.

Mailing List

The SELinux Mailing List is used by the SELinux developers and by those using SELinux.

SELinux List Archive Access

The hypermail generated archives of the SELinux mailing list are updated only when other information is being added to the SELinux web site and may not contain the most recent messages. List subscribers may obtain more recently archived messages by sending a message to Majordomo@tycho.nsa.gov containing the command "get selinux selinux.yymmdd" without quotes where yymmdd are the year, month, and day respectively of the archived list messages. The command "index selinux" without quotes may be used to obtain a list of the archives available. Multiple commands may be sent in a single message with each command on its own line.

External Development

The NSA SELinux team still is responsible for most of the core parts of SELinux. However, an increasing amount of development is happening outside of NSA. You may want to start at the SELinux wiki for some pointers to that work.

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