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Detailed descriptions of available bibliographies searchable using Reference Manager Web Publisher:

PWRC_Bibliography  (updated 6/18/07)   View Keywords for this database

LIBRARY_Catalog (updated 6/1/07)   

Petroleum:   An Annotated Bibliography on Petroleum Pollution  (updated 5/1/07)   View Keywords for this database

DUCKDATA: A Bibliographic Database of North American Waterfowl (Anatidae) and Their Wetland Habitats (updated 6/20/07) View Keywords for this database

HeronBIB:   Bibliography of the Herons of the World (updated 2/26/04)     View Keywords for this database

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PWRC Bibliography search now

This is a list of publications written by Patuxent employees or contractors since the Center opened in 1939.  A wide range of publications are represented here, including whole books, journal and magazine articles, series publications, and pamphlets. In most cases, these publications discuss scientific research, but some are book reviews or short observation notes.  This database includes 6,770 items as of the current update.

Nearly 1100 items have URL links to full text documents available on the Internet.  The URLs are clickable in the full record view. In some cases, the URL will take you to the abstract or table of contents posted by the publisher or other aggregator service, such as BioOne. That page will have a link to the PDF or html full text. If your institution has a subscription, you will be able to click the link and open the full text. Those that are free to all viewers, 751 records, are marked with “[click VIEW for full text URL]” in the results list.

Since 1939, the Center has included the following names and groups: Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 1939-1994 and 1996--Present; Patuxent Environmental Science Center, 1994-1996; Migratory Bird Populations Station, 1961-1973; Migratory Bird and Habitat Research Laboratory, 1973-1982.  These groups have also included a number of field stations throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.

Patuxent has acquired several additional field stations since 1993.  The new field stations include six former National Park Service Cooperative Units and a group housed at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.  This latter group has a long history dating back to 1885; their former names include Bird and Mammal Laboratory, 1958-1973, and National Fish and Wildlife Laboratory, 1973-1981.  In 1996 the Bird Banding Laboratory joined us.  It was formerly part of the Office of Migratory Bird Management from 1973 to 1996.  We have included the publication lists of these groups for the current staff members that have now joined Patuxent.

For questions about this database contact Lynda Garrett.

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LIBRARY Catalog    search now    Books in the Library of the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center

This database contains 5619 records downloaded from our OCLC cataloging activity. All new publications added since 1981 have been cataloged electronically. Older items have been converted as time permits, but please note that many pre-1981 items are still not represented here. For journal titles held by the Library, see the separate journal list.

Here are a few special hints about this database. "All Non-Indexed Text Fields" next to the search boxes include notes, publisher, city of publication, edition, call number, and web/URL. To see records that have clickable web links in them, search for http in the "All Non-Indexed Text Fields." Records that have a link to the free full text version will be labeled as [click VIEW for full text URL] on the hit list. Other links may go to the Library of Congress description or table of contents.

The title field of the record contains the title and authors in this OCLC format: Birds of Maryland and the District of Columbia / by Robert E. Stewart and Chandler S. Robbins. Therefore, you can search author names (last name only preferred) in the title field or the author field. In fact, for the best author search, enter the last name in the title field then OR it with the same entry in the author field.

Keywords are library subject headings, and many are hyphenated multi-word units. To search for a term occurring withing the heading, add an asterisk in front and behind the term when entering it in the keyword box: *Maryland* will find Birds--Maryland and Maryland--Description and travel.

To search a call number, choose All Non-Indexed Text Fields. For example, entering QL684 will result in all the state bird books; QL696 will result in all the bird books shelved by taxonomic order. Extending the number will result in a smaller segment of the group, for instance, QL696.G84 will give all of the Gruidae, Cranes, entries. Entering QH545 will give most of the titles in the POLLUTION section; QH545.W3 will give the water pollution titles.

This database does not use the "Periodical" field. If the book is a member of a series or a special issue of a journal, search the title field. For example enter Ornithological monographs in the title to see all members of that series. This database does not include abstracts, so do not use that field name to search.

Many entries include their International Standard Book Number, ISBN. They are entered without hyphens, so do not use them when searching in the All Non-Indexed Text Fields.

For questions about this database contact Lynda Garrett.

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Petroleum    An Annotated Bibliography on Petroleum Pollution search now

by Peter H. Albers , USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Beltsville Lab, c/o BARC-East, Building 308, 10300 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20705

Please cite this material as:
Albers, P. H. 1998. An Annotated Bibliography on Petroleum Pollution. Version 2007. USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD.


Petroleum has been recognized as a potential environmental contaminant since shortly after the beginning of the Twentieth Century. Reports of the biological consequences of ship wrecks involving cargos of crude and fuel oil began to appear in the popular and scientific press. Scientific literature on the subject was sparse until after World War II when reports of the effects of oil pollution began to appear with greater frequency. The wreck of the Torrey Canyon off the coast of England in 1967 stimulated worldwide interest in the effects of petroleum and cleanup methods on environmental resources. Research on the environmental effects of petroleum peaked during the 1970s and early 1980s. A recent surge of interest in North America was induced by the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. The accumulated literature on this well-studied contaminant is vast, covering topics as diverse as analytical chemistry, chemical fate, oil spill prevention and response, mitigation and restoration, economic and social analysis, and biological effects on all forms of plant and animal life in saltwater, freshwater, and terrestrial environments. A small amount of literature on shale oil, synthetic (coal) oil, oil sands crude oil, and non-petroleum oils (animal and plant) are also included in this bibliography.

The bibliography is based on a personal reference collection exceeding 2,000 citations and growing at an approximate rate of 50 citations per year. It is primarily a collection of published and readily accessible scientific reports appearing in journals, conference proceedings, serial publications, and books. Unpublished or poorly distributed reports are few. The collection is divided into13 categories and all categories receive new references on an annual basis. Presently, there are 2,107 references in the database. The collection does not contain everything published on the subjects represented by the 13 categories, but it is representative of the published English-language literature. Books, international meetings, workshops, handbooks, government reports, published bibliographies, or non-technical books dealing with various aspects of oil pollution are not well represented in this bibliography; the emphasis is on original reports and a selection of review articles and book chapters. As such, it is most useful for persons seeking detailed technical references or specialized reviews.

Each record consists of the full citation, a list of keywords, and one or more lines of text describing the contents of the reference. The keywords will assist with retrieval of references specified by the search option. The "Notes" text describes the content of the reference. The 13 categories and their primary category identifier (a keyword) are Bird (Oone), Mammal (Otwo), Fish (Othree), Amphibian (OthreeA), Reptile (OthreeR), Marine Invertebrate (Ofour), Freshwater Invertebrate (Ofive), Marine Plant (Osix), Freshwater Plant (Oseven), General Effect (Oeight), Technical (Onine), Microbes (Oten), and Miscellaneous (Oeleven). If a reference contains information on chemical oil dispersants, it will have a "D" next to the "O"; for example, ODone is a petroleum and chemical dispersant reference with primary emphasis on birds. References on biodegradation of oil or bioremediation of oil spills have become abundant in recent years; these are classified as Microbes (Oten).


Primary ID    

Secondary ID                   
















Marine Invertebrate


marine invertebrate

Freshwater Invertebrate


freshwater invertebrate

Marine Plant


marine plant

Freshwater Plant


freshwater plant

General Effect


general effect










References only have one primary category identifier; references containing relevant information but present in other primary categories can be retrieved by using the category name (also a keyword) which is used as a secondary category identifier for all references. Examples: (1) Retrieval of all references that have any information about petroleum, dispersants, and mammals will be accomplished with the search combination of "Otwo or ODtwo or mammal" or just the word "mammal". (2) Retrieval of all primary references that have information about petroleum and reptiles will be accomplished with the word "OthreeR "; if just the word "reptile" is used, all references presenting information on reptiles will be included. Retrievals based solely on keywords that are not primary or secondary identifiers are likely to miss relevant references. Consequently, it is recommended that the primary category identifiers and secondary category identifiers (category names) be used to help with your search.

In addition to the references in this topical bibliography, the user should consider the following collections of papers and publication series. Except for Item 1, very few of the individual papers are listed in the bibliography.

1. The biennial “Oil spill conference” series has been published since 1973 by the American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC. Each conference publication contains many articles on a wide range of topics relevant to worldwide petroleum contamination.

2. Proceedings of the international conferences on “Effects of oil on wildlife” are published by Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, Inc., Newark, DE, and other wildlife rehabilitation organizations. The first conference proceedings was published in 1982; the 9 th conference will be held in 2007. This series contains articles oriented toward the effects of petroleum on air-breathing vertebrates.

3. 1990. Sea otter symposium: proceedings of a symposium to evaluate the response effort on behalf of sea otters after the T/V Exxon Valdez oil spill into Prince William Sound, Anchorage, Alaska, 17-19 April 1990. K. Bayha and J. Kormendy (Eds.). Biological. Report. 90(12), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC. A collection of 43 reports describing the capture, rehabilitation, and release of sea otters affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William sound, Alaska.

4. 1994. Marine mammals and the Exxon Valdez. T.R. Loughlin (Ed.). Academic Press, Inc., New York, NY. Contains 21 chapters.

5. 1995. Exxon Valdez oil spill: fate and effects in Alaskan waters. P.G. Wells, J.N. Butler, and J.S. Hughes (Eds.). STP 1219, American Society for Testing and Materials, Conshohocken, PA. Contains an introduction and 25 papers from a symposium dealing with the fate and effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska. Most of the papers are by scientists employed by Exxon Corporation.

6. 1996. Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez oil spill symposium. S.D. Rice, R.B. Spies, D.A. Wolfe, and B.A. Wright (Eds.). American Fisheries Society Symposium 18, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. Contains 62 papers from a symposium sponsored by the American Fisheries Society. Most of the papers are by scientists representing Trustees of the natural resources affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

7. 1997. Exxon Valdez oil spill seabird restoration workshop. K.I. Warheit, C.S. Harrison, and G.J. Divoky (Eds.). Pacific Seabird Group, Seattle, WA, 1995. Thirteen chapters describing the results of a workshop on restoration of seabirds affected by the 1989 Alaskan oil spill. The workshop was held in Girdwood, AK; participants wrote all or portions of the chapters. The workshop resulted in policy, research, and specific restoration recommendations.

8. 2000. Bioremediation of contaminated soils. D.L. Wise (Ed.). Environmental science and pollution control series, Vol. 22. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. Contains 12 papers on remediation of soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons.

9. 2002. Environmental Forensics 3(3-4). A special issue containing 14 technical papers on the chemical analysis of petroleum, and three introductory articles.

10. 2003. Oil and California's Seabirds Symposium Issue. Marine Ornithology 31(1):1-70. Contains nine papers on the status of oil pollution and seabirds along coastal California.

11. 2006. Marine Pollution Bulletin 53(5-7). The entire issue (13 articles, one editorial) is devoted to the 2003 Prestige oil spill off the coast of Spain.

PDF of this database is available here.

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DUCKDATA search now

DUCKDATA provides a comprehensive bibliography of published literature on the ecology, conservation, and management of North American waterfowl and their wetland habitats. It contains 14,913 records. The primary objective of DUCKDATA is to provide access to the extensive literature concerning North American waterfowl, including references emphasizing wetlands but having implications for waterfowl ecology, conservation, and management. DUCKDATA also includes selected authoritative references on wetland ecosystems to provide users with a convenient starting point for accessing this literature. References to literature published on other continents or concerning species and habitats not found in North America were included whenever possible but were not actively sought and were limited to sources published in English; hence, their coverage is less exhaustive. In selecting literature for inclusion, primary emphasis was placed on widely distributed scientific journals, books, graduate theses, and natural resource agency publications. Graduate theses were included regardless of whether the author had published results elsewhere. Inclusion of literature from less accessible sources (e.g., progress or administrative reports), popular literature, and state ornithological journals was based on perceived merit of the source in providing original data or insight into the ecology of waterfowl or wetland habitats.

Selection of keywords for bibliographic entries was subjective but followed certain basic principles. We tried to indicate at least the general and specific subjects of each reference. For example, papers on avian botulism might be indexed with the keywords "Diseases/Avian Botulism" or "Population Dynamics/Natural Mortality/Diseases/Avian Botulism." Also included are one or more geographic index terms when relevant locations were evident from the title. "Thesis" is included as a keyword for all master's and doctoral graduate theses. Common names of waterfowl were included as keywords where appropriate.

Search hint: Source information is entered in the "periodical" field, so use that search box to look for journal titles, meeting names, publishers, or book titles and editors when the citation is for a book chapter. Here is an example of the source entry for a chapter: Pages 45-51 in R. I. Goudie, M. R. Petersen, and G. J. Robertson, editors. Behavior and ecology of sea ducks. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper 100. Journal article source information looks like this: Journal of Wildlife Management 48:982-987. This database does not have any abstracts.

For information regarding the content, status, and use of DUCKDATA, contact Ken Reinecke at the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 2524 S. Frontage Rd., Suite C, Vicksburg, MS 39180 (phone 601-629-6606). Users are encouraged to contribute to the database by bringing new publications or works that may have been overlooked to the attention of Reinecke.

For other questions about this database contact Lynda Garrett.

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HeronBIB     Bibliography of the Herons of the World search now

by James A. Kushlan and Lynda Garrett

Herons are relatively large, often physically striking, waterbirds that are found in wetlands and other aquatic habitats nearly worldwide. Most species are found in the wet continental tropics, but a few species occur nearly to the Arctic and on many oceanic islands. Classified in the family Ardeidae, 65 species are currently recognized, some having numerous recognized subspecies. Herons have been a focus of human culture, conservation, and biological study. Experts on the biology and conservation of these birds form the Heron Specialist Group.

This bibliography attempts to capture the extensive literature on these species. The bibliography has been assembled from many sources, both physical and electronic, collected over several decades and has been used in three monographic studies of the family. All entries contain complete reference data. Some contain keywords and abstracts as well. The bibliography can be used by searching on words in the titles and in keywords and abstracts, for those references with these features. Records cited in the monographic studies are tagged HH (Herons Handbook, by James Hancock and James A. Kushlan. 1982. Harper and Row), HC (Heron Conservation by James A. Kushlan and Heinz Hafner. 2000. Academic Press), and TH (The Herons by James A. Kushlan and James Hancock. Bird Families of the World v. 14. 2005. Oxford University Press).

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