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Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program Overview

Photo of wind turbines.

Diversifying the nation's energy supply, taking advantage of domestic resources, and helping the nation meet its commitments to curb emissions of greenhouse gases are major goals of wind and hydropower research.

The Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program supports NREL R&D in wind technologies - and working with industry partners to develop and deploy these clean energy technologies is key. NREL is EERE's lead lab in wind technology research and development, and home to the nation's only full-service wind turbine test center - the National Wind Technology Center (NWTC). The NWTC works extensively with industry to design and test cost-effective wind systems and components.

NREL conducts applied research in aerodynamics, structural dynamics and fatigue, power systems, and advanced concepts. Current efforts include performance testing of new wind turbine components, designing advanced systems that are cost-effective at lower wind speeds, and using wind energy in hybrid systems for distributed applications, along with understanding of the wind resource potential. Similarly, advanced turbines and understanding the resource potential is key to understanding low-head hydro applications.

NREL also works to develop tools to help utilities understand the effects of wind generation on conventional utility services, on certification testing, standards, and to provide technical assistance nationally and internationally.

Learn more about NREL's Wind and Hydropower Technologies Research.

NREL supports the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program.

Contact Brian Smith with questions regarding NREL's Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program.

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