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Support for the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability

NREL's Distributed Energy and Electric Reliability Program supports the development of standards and technologies that enable distributed generation, energy storage, and load control technologies to be integrated into the electric power system. When properly integrated, such technologies can provide improved electric reliability and grid security, decreased power costs, and ancillary services to benefit all users of the electric grid.

NREL researchers work in five areas to support DOE's electric reliability and energy storage goals:

  • Distribution and interconnection standards and technologies
  • Technology test beds and field demonstrations
  • Stakeholder and institutional adoption
  • Energy storage technologies
  • High-temperature superconductivity.

These areas encompass research into distributed resource interconnection and control technologies, testing and demonstration of system integration designs, characterization of advanced generation technologies, and development of advanced energy storage systems. Other activities include supporting the development of national standards for the interconnection of distributed energy resources with electric power systems.

NREL supports the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability.

Contact Dick DeBlasio with questions regarding NREL's electric reliability research.

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