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Federal Energy Management Program Overview

Photo of an energy display in Washington, D.C..

Energy management — using energy efficiently, ensuring reliable supplies, and reducing costs — is one of the most challenging tasks facing federal facility managers. Now, more than ever, the federal government, as the nation's largest single energy consumer, has a tremendous opportunity and a clear responsibility to save energy and lead by example.

NREL's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) focuses on reducing energy use at federal facilities. FEMP helps agencies save energy and taxpayer dollars by advancing energy efficiency and water conservation, promoting the use of distributed and renewable energy, and improving utility management decisions at federal sites.

The Laboratory team works with DOE FEMP staff, industry, and other national laboratories, to provide technical assistance to government agencies in support of the FEMP mission. Project activities include technical assistance; project financing and technical support; and planning, reporting, and evaluation. When needed, NREL provides expert technical assistance and training in identifying viable energy efficiency, water conservation and renewable energy projects for agency implementation through the private sector.

Learn more about NREL's Federal Energy Management Program.

NREL supports the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Federal Energy Management Program.

Contact Bob Westby with questions regarding NREL's Federal Energy Management Program.

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