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TABLE C-5 Gross Government Investments in Transportation Infrastructure and Rolling Stock: 1993-2003

Government investment in transportation infrastructure consists of the purchase or construction value of transportation facilities and structures. Investment in rolling stock covers government outlays for motor vehicles only, because data for other rolling stock (e.g., aircraft, vessels, and boats) are not available.

Chained 2000 dollars (billions)

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  Infrastructure Rolling stock Total
1993 63.4 6.8 70.2
1994 66.0 7.0 73.0
1995 63.4 7.2 70.6
1996 64.0 7.0 71.1
1997 65.4 7.5 72.9
1998 66.3 8.2 74.5
1999 70.8 8.6 79.4
2000 76.1 8.8 84.9
2001 79.9 8.7 88.6
2002 80.3 7.5 87.8
2003 79.2 7.2 86.4

Current dollars (billions)

  Infrastructure Rolling stock Total
1993 48.6 6.1 54.7
1994 51.8 6.5 58.3
1995 52.3 6.8 59.2
1996 55.1 6.7 61.8
1997 58.6 7.2 65.8
1998 60.8 7.9 68.8
1999 67.1 8.5 75.6
2000 75.5 8.8 84.4
2001 81.7 9.4 91.1
2002 85.2 7.5 92.7
2003 85.7 7.3 93.0

NOTES: Investment data here are in terms of calendar years unlike the other data in this section which are in terms of fiscal years. Federal, state, and local data are combined. Data include all modes except pipeline; state and local rail infrastructure investment data were only available from 1993-2000 when this report was prepared. These transportation investment data are not comparable to those in the earlier editions of this report because of changes in methodology and data sources. Data may not add to total because of independent rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, "Transportation Investment," forthcoming.