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Magnitude 7.5 - MOLUCCA SEA

2007 January 21 11:27:45 UTC

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Earthquake Details

Location 1.222°N, 126.395°E
Depth22 km (13.7 miles) set by location program
Distances125 km (80 miles) WNW of Ternate, Moluccas, Indonesia
165 km (105 miles) ESE of Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1605 km (1000 miles) SSE of MANILA, Philippines
2310 km (1430 miles) ENE of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 6.8 km (4.2 miles); depth fixed by location program
ParametersNST=155, Nph=155, Dmin=>999 km, Rmss=1.13 sec, Gp= 32°,
M-type=teleseismic moment magnitude (Mw), Version=S
Event IDus2007xvam
  • This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
  • Did you feel it? Report shaking and damage at your location. You can also view a map displaying accumulated data from your report and others.

Earthquake Summary

Small globe showing earthquakeSmall map showing earthquake

Earthquake Summary Poster

  • The following is a release by the United States Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center: A major earthquake occurred 130 km (80 miles) WNW of Ternate, Moluccas, Indonesia 165 km (100 miles) E of Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia at 5:27 AM MDT, Jan 21, 2007 (6:54 PM local time in Molucca Sea). The magnitude and location may be revised when additional data and further analysis results are available. No reports of damage or casualties have been received at this time; however, this earthquake may have caused damage due to its location and size.

  • Felt Reports

    One person died of a heart attack, 3 others killed, 4 others injured and minor damage to some buildings at Mandano, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Felt (VI) on Ternate; (VI) at Bitung and Tondano, (V) at Kotamobagu, (IV) at Gorontalo, Sulawesi; (IV) in southern Halmahera, Indonesia.

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