Two members of the Cabinet of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert -- Tzipi Livni and Shaul Mofaz -- are the chief candidates to succeed him at the centrist party's helm.
Illnesses caused by tainted formula skyrocket, and more products test positive for contamination. >>

At least seven people are killed by the two explosions in the capital of Michoacan state during Independence Day celebrations. >>

An agreement is hammered out on issues to be discussed. Five provinces aligned against President Evo Morales are calling for a greater share of the energy funds. >>

Odierno focuses on provincial elections and the strength of Iraqi forces as Gen. David Petraeus leaves to take control of the U.S. Central Command. >>

Gen. David McKiernan issues orders relating to airstrikes and raids by foreign troops. He also says he needs many more troops than the additional brigade Bush is sending. >>

September 16, 2008
The Zimbabwe president can't be held accountable for political violence during his 28-year rule, but others may be, the new prime minister tells The Times. >>

Hamas has seen the large and well-armed Dagmoush clan as a challenge to its authority. A police officer and a baby are among the dead. >>

France: 2 captured by pirates are freed / Thailand: Thaksin's brother-in-law elected prime minister / Pakistan: Mullen meets with Gen. Ashfaq Kayani / Australia: 7th man guilty of terrorist activity >>

The eight men arrested in the house where the sophisticated tunnel began include a suspected L.A.-area gang member. >>

Recordings of phone calls are proof, asserts President Saakashvili. >>

September 16, 2008
As the prime minister asserts his independence, Iran gains influence and America loses some. >>

Father Miguel d'Escoto, fiery foreign minister when Nicaragua's Sandinista guerrillas held power, is assuming a more diplomatic role as head of the General Assembly. >>

President Robert Mugabe and opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai sign a power-sharing pact. Some doubt the deal can be made to work. >>

The agency's report says Iran continues to dodge questions about its alleged nuclear weapons research and has expanded its ability to produce radioactive material. >>

Security gains of the last year could be lost, one general says. As Petraeus prepares to hand the reins to Odierno, bombs kill at least 35. >>

After lying low in the wake of beatings by thugs from the ZANU-PF party, they venture out to support Morgan Tsvangirai as he and Robert Mugabe sign a power-sharing deal. >>

The talks in Chile aim to foster peace in Bolivia, which has been racked by political violence. >>

Two brothers are held in Hebei province, home to Sanlu Group, which sold the contaminated milk powder. >>

September 15, 2008
Thirteen people were killed and 35 injured in a riot at a football match in eastern Congo sparked by accusations that a player was using witchcraft, a U.N.-funded radio station reported today. >>

September 16, 2008
Inmates angry over the death of a fellow prisoner protest alleged police brutality. Twenty-five people are injured. >>

Afghanistan freed a 12-year-old boy and sent him to his family in Pakistan, two months after it says he was detained with his mother, who is suspected of links to Al Qaeda and faces charges in New York. >>

September 15, 2008
Drug money and corruption have long tainted law enforcement. But Genaro Garcia Luna, with President Calderon's backing and the aid of technology, may succeed in reforming the system, analysts say. >>

The ruling coalition is near collapse as the president and the prime minister spar over whether to treat Russia as foe or friend. >>

At least 28 have died in violence. Evo Morales' government and the opposition accuse each other of arming paramilitaries. >>

Iraq: 5 policemen killed / Thailand: Emergency rule over / France: 2 killed on Seine /Australia: Jury links 6 to terrorist group / Haiti: Jean, Damon visit / Somalia: U.N. workers abducted >>

The suicide bombing of a U.N. convoy sparks an angry outcry. In a separate incident, authorities say children playing with a roadside bomb die in the resulting explosion. >>

The Aeroflot subsidiary carrier, which had 88 people on board, went down as it was preparing to land, authorities report. >>

Mexico's police agencies

Mexico's public safety secretary, Genaro Garcia Luna, hopes to reform the nation's long-troubled police. Among other steps, he has consolidated several agencies into a Federal Police force of nearly 25,000: >>

Security forces killed at least 16 suspected militants and wounded 25 Sunday in a besieged tribal region, Pakistani officials said. >>

September 14, 2008
In the hit 'Ekhrajiha,' the soldiers who fought in the Iran-Iraq war were bawdy, undisciplined young men, not pious Muslim recruits. But they were no less fierce against their enemies. >>
• Complete coverage of Iraq, Iran, Israel and the rest of the Middle East from Times correspondents.

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