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Table 4-52: Highway Noise Barrier Construction (Miles)

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  Unknown 1970-79 1980-89 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total 1970-98
TOTAL length 6 175 575 63 R98 R142 R86 R89 125 49 78 137 1,623
Type I barriersa d6 102 419 44 78 113 62 48 87 34 47 114 1,147
Type II barriersb 0 70 128 19 18 18 22 16 32 15 31 22 391
All other typesc N 2 28 0 2 11 3 25 6 0 1 1 79
Cost (1998 $ millions) N 134 656 89 144 186 118 112 152 60 111 169 1,931

KEY: N = data do not exist; R = revised.

a A Type I barrier is built on a highway project to construct a new highway or to physically alter an existing highway.

b A Type II barrier is built to abate noise along an existing highway (often referred to as retrofit abatement) and is not mandatory.

c All other types of barriers are nonfederally funded.

d Have not been assigned a year of construction or a cost.


Miles have been converted from kilometers.

Totals may not match the sum of yearly estimates due to rounding and converting from metric. Twenty-four miles of barriers, while assigned a year of construction, cannot be assigned a cost. Data are produced on a 3-year cycle.

Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Environment and Planning, Highway Traffic Noise Barrier Construction Trends (Washington, DC: 2000), tables 1 and 3.