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February 2005

Proteomics Resource Advisory Committee held yearly meeting at EMSL

The advisory committee for Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Proteomics Research Resource for Integrative Biology held a meeting at the W.R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory January 21. The Resource is a national user facility established and funded by the National Center for Research Resources component of the National Institutes of Health in 2003. The Resource serves the biomedical research community by developing and integrating new proteomic technologies for collaborative and service studies, disseminating the new technologies, and training scientists in their use. January 21, 2005.

The advisory committee members in attendance were Maria Pallavicini, Chair, University of California Merced; Catherine Costello, Boston University School of Medicine, David Goodlett, University of Washington; and Jay Nelson, Oregon Health and Science University. They heard presentations on research projects, toured EMSL, attended a poster session, and provided feedback at the meeting's end to Resource Director Dick Smith and Associate Director David Camp.

According to Camp, "The close out was particularly positive. The main points and guidelines that the committee shared were regarding positioning the Resource for the upcoming competitive renewal and specific steps that should be taken to strengthen the PNNL Resource activities. No negative feedback was provided."

Nineteen PNNL staff took part in the meeting: Josh Adkins, Gordon Anderson, David Camp, Jon Jacobs, Deep Jaitly, Gary Kiebel, Tao Liu, Eric Livesay, Matthew Monroe, Angela Norbeck, Ljiljana Pasa-Tolic, Kostas Petritis, Weijun Qian, Yufeng Shen, Dick Smith, Eric Strittmatter, Keqi Tang, Aleksey Tolmachev, and Steven Wiley.

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