Aerosol News
March 30, 2005
The April 2005 issue of the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences contains the Chesapeake Lighthouse Airborne Measurements for Satellites (CLAMS) special issue. The CLAMS experiment took place at Wallops Flight Facility and Langley Research Center from July 10 to August 3, 2001. The special issue contains contributions that describe aerosol and surface characterization from aircraft and from ground stations, as well as descriptions and evaluation of various satellite retrieval methods. Satellite sensor teams who participated at CLAMS include MODIS, MISR and CERES. Among the papers that will appear in this special issue are several from authors connected with the Climate and Radiation Branch.

Remer et al. (2005, J. Atmos. Sci., 62(4), CLAMS special issue) provides a comprehensive description of the modern MODIS aerosol retrieving algorithm and the products available, as well as the results of a two-year global validation effort.

Levy et al. (2005, J. Atmos. Sci., 62(4), CLAMS special issue) evaluates the ability of the MODIS algorithm to retrieve aerosol characteristics specifically in the mid-Atlantic region, in conjunction with the CLAMS experiment.

Castanho et al. (2005, J. Atmos. Sci., 62(4), CLAMS special issue) reports on aerosol properties observed at several in situ ground-based sampling stations, and includes evidence of Saharan dust reaching Virginia.

Gatebe et al. (2005, J. Atmos. Sci., 62(4), CLAMS special issue) characterizes the ocean surface's angular reflectance under various conditions.

(submitted by Lorraine Remer)

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September 16, 2008 in Publications
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