What is the Cost Estimating Format for Large Projects (CEF)?

The Cost Estimating Format for Large Projects (CEF) may be used when the project will cost more than $47,800 (for fiscal year 1999). These are called large projects. On the other hand, projects that cost less than $47,800 are called small projects. A Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) representative, the Project Officer (PO), is responsible for developing a scope of work for a large project in partnership with State and local representatives. The CEF is then applied to the scope of work to develop a cost estimate for the large project, and that estimate is used as the basis for obligating funds. The CEF was developed to provide a uniform method for estimating large project costs across the entire range of eligible work (from design to project completion).

The CEF should not be used for small projects, or for emergency work, such as large-scale debris removal operations (whether it is a small or a large project). It is intended for use on permanent work only, for all types of disasters and for all types of facilities. Click here for more details on when and how to use the CEF.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 02-May-2006 16:40:34 EDT