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Web Content Managers Forum Strategic Plan

Web Content Managers Forum Strategic Plan (PDF, 27 KB, 2 pages, May 2007, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader): is a 2-year plan to help government agencies organize their websites around top tasks.

Roadmap to a Task-Focused Website (PDF, 64 KB, 3 pgs, 10/2007, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader): describes the sequence of initiatives and provides resources to help agencies identify their top customers and their top tasks.

What is the Strategic Plan?

The Web Content Managers Forum has updated its strategic plan to address issues and challenges facing U.S. government web managers, and we need YOU to help us implement it.

We believe the public should be able to:

  1. Accomplish their most top government tasks online quickly and easily
  2. Access government content online whenever and however they need it
  3. Have direct online interactions with their government
  4. Trust government web content to be accurate, timely, easy to understand, and coordinated across agencies

To achieve this vision, we’ve chosen one primary goal on which our community will focus:

Improve how the public accomplishes their most top government tasks online.

To accomplish this goal, we’ve created five task groups:

How Was It Developed?
The ideas in the plan came straight from you—specifically, the government web managers who have submitted evaluations after our various workshops and training sessions, who have completed our survey on top tasks and who have actively exchanged ideas on our listserv. You've pointed us in the right direction. And now, we're asking you to help us put it in action.

Read the results of the Critical Tasks Survey: (MS Word, 60 KB, 6 pgs, 04/2007)

How Can I Get Involved?

It's easy. Pick a task group (or groups) that you’d like to work on, and send an email to that group’s point-of-contact. Each group meets regularly and is tasked with developing a work plan and submitting updates to the steering committee. As a task group member, you’ll help develop content for this website (Webcontent.gov) and identify other valuable resources and best practices. It’s a great opportunity to learn from your peers and contribute to our community.

What If I'm Outside of the Washington, DC, Area?

No problem! These will be virtual work groups, for the most part—so don't let the fact that you're sitting in Honolulu stop you from volunteering. We really want to get a good cross section of government web content managers involved in this work, including state and local government web managers.

Is This Everything You Plan to Do?

We'll keep adding to the strategic plan as new issues and challenges arise. The proposed activities listed under each task group are just to get the groups started and thinking.

We’ll continue to use the Content Managers Forum ListServ to help us spot new trends and problems. And we’ll continue to use suggestions and feedback you give us at regular workshops to stretch the plan, so it meets your needs. You are part of that process.

The bottom line is this: we need you! Find something that interests you, and volunteer now!

Questions? Email Sheila Campbell or Rachel Flagg of the Advisory Council steering committee.  


Page Updated or Reviewed: July 15, 2008

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