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entitled 'Marine Transportation: Federal Financing and an 
Infrastructure Investment Framework' which was released on September 
09, 2002.

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Before Subcommittees of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 

Transportation and the Committee on Environment and Public Works 

United States Senate:

United States General Accounting Office:


For Release on Delivery Expected at 2:30 p.m. EDT Monday, September 9, 


Marine Transportation:

Federal Financing and an Infrastructure Investment Framework:

Statement of JayEtta Z. Hecker

Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues:


Mr. Chairmen and Members:

We are pleased to be here today to discuss challenges in defining the 

federal role with respect to freight transportation issues. There are 

concerns that the projected increases in freight tonnage for all 

transportation modes will place pressures on the marine, aviation, and 

highway transportation systems. As a result, there is growing awareness 

of the need to view various transportation modes, and freight movement 

in particular, from an integrated standpoint, particularly for the 

purposes of developing and implementing a federal investment strategy 

and considering alternative funding approaches. An intermodal 

perspective appears especially important as the nation reacts to the 

increased security needs for transportation networks and as it plans 

for better, more efficient transportation for the future. At your 

request, we have done work focusing on the marine component of the 

national transportation system.

My testimony today, which is based on our report[Footnote 1] that is 

being issued today, addresses three topics: (1) the federal funding 

approaches used for the marine transportation system as compared with 

the aviation and highway systems, (2) the amount of customs duties on 

imported goods shipped through the marine, aviation, and highway 

systems, and (3) a framework to assist the Congress as it considers 

future federal investment decisions. Our recently completed work on 

marine transportation is based on our analysis of data collected from 

15 federal agencies that expended revenue on the various transportation 

systems and/or collected funds from users of the systems during fiscal 

years 1999 through 2001. We also collected data from the U.S. Customs 

Service on the amount of duty collected on commodities imported by the 

various transportation modes. We applied the estimates developed by the 

U.S. Census Bureau on the percent of collections attributable to water, 

sea, and land transportation modes to total customs duties collected by 

the U.S. Customs Service during fiscal years 1999 through 2001. To 

develop a framework to assist the Congress in making decisions about 

the federal role in financing the marine transportation system, we 

built on prior GAO work on federal investment approaches and managerial 

best practices and interviewed U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and 

Department of Transportation officials. See appendix I for a more 

detailed explanation of our scope and methodology.

In summary:

* The federal approach for funding the marine transportation system 

relies heavily on general revenues, while the approach for funding the 

aviation and highway systems relies almost exclusively on collections 

from users of the systems. During fiscal years 1999 through 2001, 

funding for about 80 percent of the average $3.9 billion expended each 

year on the marine transportation system came from the U.S. Treasury’s 

general fund. During the same period, nearly all of the $10 billion in 

federal funds expended each year for the aviation system and the $25 

billion in federal funds expended each year for the highway system came 

from revenues generated by users of those two systems.

* During fiscal years 1999 through 2001, customs duties on imported 

goods transported through the transportation systems averaged $15 

billion each year for the marine transportation system, $4 billion each 

year for the aviation system, and $900 million each year for the 

highway system. Customs duties are taxes on the value of imported goods 

and have traditionally been viewed as revenues to be used for the 

support of the general activities of the federal government. Unlike the 

collections based on the use of the highway and aviation systems, 

customs duties are paid by the importers of the taxed goods. Revenues 

from these duties are deposited into the U.S. Treasury’s general fund, 

and the majority of these revenues are used for the general support of 

federal activities. To help finance improvements to the marine 

transportation system, some maritime stakeholders, such as port 

authorities, have suggested earmarking a portion of revenues generated 

from customs duties. Some customs duties are currently earmarked for 

specific purposes, such as agriculture and food programs. However, in 

that case, a portion of the duties on imports must be used to encourage 

the export and the domestic consumption of farm products and to 

reestablish farmers’ purchasing power--that is, for assisting markets 

that are arguably adversely affected by the importation of goods. 

Further earmarking of customs duties for new spending would have 

significant budget ramifications in an already constrained federal 

budget environment.

* Diverse industry stakeholders believe that substantial new 

investments in the maritime infrastructure may be required from public 

and private sources because of an aging infrastructure, changes in the 

shipping industry, and increased concerns about security.[Footnote 2] A 

systematic framework would be helpful to decision makers as they 

consider the federal government’s purpose and role in providing funding 

for the system and as they develop a sound investment approach to guide 

federal participation. In examining federal investment approaches 

across many national activities, we have identified four key components 

of such a framework--establishing national goals, defining the federal 

role, determining appropriate funding tools, and evaluating 

performance--could potentially be applied to all transportation 


* The first component--establishing national goals for the system--

requires an in-depth understanding of the needs of the system and the 

relationship of the system to other transportation modes. For example, 

the efficient movement of freight often involves using several 

different transportation modes, making investment decisions, and 

developing coherent freight policies would logically need to occur 

while focusing on the entire transportation system rather than a single 


* The second component--clearly defining the federal role relative to 

other stakeholders--is important to help facilitate the planning and 

implementation of improvements across modes and to better ensure that 

federal participation supplements and enhances participation by others, 

rather than simply replacing their participation.

* A third component--determining the funding tools and other approaches 

that will maximize the impact of any federal investment--is important 

to help expand the capacity to leverage funding resources and to 

promote shared responsibilities. For example, in the $2.4 billion 

Alameda Corridor Program, state and local stakeholders had both a 

financial incentive to relieve congestion and the commitment and 

ability to bring financial resources to bear.

* The final component ensures that a process is in place for evaluating 

performance and accountability periodically so that defined goals, 

roles, and approaches can be reexamined and modified, as necessary.


The nation’s surface transportation systems facilitate mobility through 

an extensive network of infrastructure and operators, as well as 

through the vehicles and vessels that permit passengers and freight to 

move within the system. Maintaining the systems is critical to 

sustaining America’s economic growth. This is especially important 

given that projected increases in freight tonnage will likely place 

pressures on these systems. According to the Federal Highway 

Administration, domestic and international freight tonnage across all 

surface modes will increase 41 percent, from 14.4 billion tons in 1998 

to 20.3 billion tons in 2010. According to the forecasts, by 2010, 15.6 

billion tons are projected to move by truck, a 44 percent increase; 3 

billion tons by rail, a 32 percent increase; and 1.5 billion tons by 

water, a 27 percent increase.[Footnote 3] Some freight may be moved by 

more than one mode before reaching its destination, such as moving by 

ship for one segment of the trip, then by truck to its final 


Over 95 percent of the U.S. overseas freight tonnage is shipped by sea. 

The United States accounts for 1 billion metric tons, or nearly 20 

percent of the world’s oceanborne trade. As the world’s leading 

maritime trading nation, the United States depends on a vast marine 

transportation system. In addition to the economic role it plays, the 

system also has an important role in national defense; serves as an 

alternative transportation mode to roads and rails; and provides 

recreational value through boating, fishing, and cruises.

Traditionally, federal participation in the maritime industry has been 

directed mainly at projects related to “waterside” issues, such as 

keeping navigation channels open by dredging, icebreaking, or improving 

the system of locks and dams; maintaining navigational aids such as 

lighthouses or radio systems; and monitoring the movement of ships in 

and out of the nation’s coastal waters. Federal participation has 

generally not extended to “landside” projects related to ports’ 

capabilities, such as building terminals or piers and purchasing cranes 

or other equipment to unload cargo.[Footnote 4]

These traditional areas of federal assistance are under pressure, 

according to a congressionally mandated report issued by the Department 

of Transportation in 1999,[Footnote 5] which cites calls to modernize 

aging structures and dredge channels to new depths to accommodate 

larger ships. Since this report, and in the aftermath of September 11, 

the funding focus has further expanded to include greater emphasis on 

port security. Many of the security improvements will require costly 

outlays for infrastructure, technology, and personnel. For example, 

when the Congress recently made $92.3 million in federal funding 

available for port security as part of a supplemental appropriations 

bill,[Footnote 6] the Transportation Security Administration received 

grant applications totaling almost $700 million.[Footnote 7]

With growing system demands and increased security concerns, some 

stakeholders have suggested a different source of funding for the 

marine transportation system. For example, U.S. public port authorities 

have advocated increased federal funding for harbor dredging. 

Currently, funding for such maintenance is derived from a fee on 

passengers and the value of imported and domestic cargo loaded and 

unloaded in U.S. ports. Ports and shippers would like to see funding 

for maintenance dredging come from the general fund instead, and there 

was legislation introduced in 1999 to do so.[Footnote 8] Regarding 

funding for security, ports are seeking substantial federal assistance 

to enhance security in the aftermath of the events of September 11. In 

other work we have conducted on port security,[Footnote 9] port and 

private-sector officials have said that they believe combating 

terrorism is the federal government’s responsibility and that, if 

additional security is needed, the federal government should provide or 

pay for it.

Federal Approach to Financing the Marine Transportation System as 

Compared with the Aviation and Highway Systems:

Unlike the funding approach used for the aviation and highway 

transportation systems, which are primarily funded by collections from 

users of the systems, the commercial marine transportation system 

relies heavily on general tax revenue. For all three transportation 

systems, most of the revenue collected from users of the systems was 

deposited into trust fund accounts. Figure 1 summarizes the expenditure 

and assessment comparisons across the three transportation systems.

Figure 1: Comparison of Federal Expenditures and Assessments on Users 

Specific to Each Transportation System (Average for Fiscal Years 1999-


[See PDF for image]

Source: GAO analysis of data provided by the agencies that expended 

and/or collected funds.

[End of figure]

During fiscal years 1999 through 2001, federal agencies expended an 

average of $3.9 billion each year on the marine transportation system 

with about 80 percent of the funding coming from the general revenues. 

During the same period, federal agencies expended an average of $10 

billion each year on the aviation system and $25 billion each year on 

the highway system. The vast majority of the funding for these 

expenditures came from trust fund accounts. (See app. II.):

Federal agencies collected revenue from assessments on users of all 

three transportation systems during fiscal years 1999 through 

2001.[Footnote 10] Collections from assessments on system users during 

this period amounted to an average of $1 billion each year from marine 

transportation system users, $11 billion each year from aviation system 

users, and $34 billion each year from highway system users. Most of the 

collections for the three systems were deposited into trust funds that 

support the marine, aviation, and highway transportation systems. 

[Footnote 11] (See app. III.) Trust funds that support the marine 

transportation system include the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund and the 

Inland Waterways Trust Fund. Trust funds that support the aviation and 

highway transportation systems include the Airport and Airway Trust 

Fund and the Highway Trust Fund.

Comparison by Transportation Modes of the Amount of Customs Duties 


The federal government assesses customs duties on goods imported into 

the United States and the majority of these collections are deposited 

into the U.S. Treasury’s general fund to be used for the support of 

federal activities. As can be seen in figure 2, the amounts from 

customs duties levied on imported goods carried through the marine 

transportation system are more than triple the combined amounts 

collected from customs duties levied on the goods carried through the 

aviation and highway systems. During fiscal years 1999 through 2001, 

customs duties on imported goods shipped through the transportation 

systems averaged $15.2 billion each year for the marine transportation 

system, $3.7 billion for the aviation system, and $928 million for the 

highway system. (See app. IV for details on customs duty collections by 


Figure 2: Comparison of Customs Duty Amounts Collected for Commodities 

Transported on the Marine, Aviation, and Highway Transportation Systems 

(Average for Fiscal Years 1999 through 2001):

[See PDF for image]

Source: GAO computations based on data provided by the U.S. Customs 


[End of figure]

Some maritime stakeholders, particularly port owners and operators, 

have proposed using a portion of the customs duties for infrastructure 

improvements to the marine transportation system. They point out that 

the marine transportation system is generating billions of dollars in 

revenue, and some of these funds should be returned to maintain and 

enhance the system. However, unlike transportation excise taxes, 

customs duties are taxes on the value of imported goods paid by 

importers and ultimately their consumers--not on the users of the 

system--and have traditionally been viewed as revenues to be used for 

the support of the general activities of the federal government.

Notwithstanding the general trend, a portion of revenues from customs 

duties are currently earmarked for agriculture and food programs, 

migratory bird conservation, aquatic resources, and 

reforestation.[Footnote 12] It should be noted, however, that in these 

cases, some relationship exists between the goods being taxed and the 

uses for which the taxes are earmarked. Designating a portion of the 

remaining customs fees for maritime uses would not represent a new 

source of capital for the federal government, but rather it would be a 

draw on the general fund of the U.S. Treasury. This could lead to 

additional deficit financing, unless other spending were cut or taxes 

were increased.

Systematic Framework Could Help Guide Decisions When Making Investment 

Choices for the Marine Transportation System:

Some maritime industry stakeholders have suggested that substantial new 

investments in the maritime infrastructure by federal, state, and local 

governments and by the private sector may be required because of an 

aging infrastructure, changes in the shipping industry, and increased 

concerns about security.[Footnote 13] These growing and varied demands 

for increased investments in the maritime transportation system 

heighten the need for a clear understanding about the federal 

government’s purpose and role in providing funding for the system and 

for a sound investment approach to guide federal participation. In 

examining federal investment approaches across many national 

activities, we have found that issues such as these are best addressed 

through a systematic framework. As shown in figure 2, this framework 

has the following four components that potentially could be applied to 

all transportation systems:

Set national goals for the system. These goals, which would establish 

what federal participation in the system is designed to accomplish, 

should be specific and measurable.

Define clearly what the federal role should be relative to other 

stakeholders. This step is important to help ensure that federal 

participation supplements and enhances participation by others, rather 

than simply replacing their participation.

* Determine which funding tools and other approaches, such as 

alternatives to investment in new infrastructure, will maximize the 

impact of any federal investment. This step can help expand the 

capacity to leverage funding resources and promote shared 


* Ensure that a process is in place for evaluating performance 

periodically so that defined goals, roles, and approaches can be 

reexamined and modified, as necessary.

Figure 3: Framework for Developing an Effective Federal Investment 


[See PDF for image]

Source: GAO.

[End of figure]

Establish National Goals to Guide Federal Participation:

An initial decision for Congress when evaluating federal investments 

concerns the goals of the marine transportation system. Clearly defined 

national goals can serve as a basis for guiding federal participation 

by charting a clear direction, establishing priorities among competing 

issues, specifying the desired results, and laying the foundation for 

such other decisions as determining how assistance will be provided. At 

the federal level, measuring results for federal programs has been a 

longstanding objective of the Congress. The Government Performance and 

Results Act of 1993[Footnote 14] has become the primary legislative 

framework through which agencies are required to set strategic and 

annual goals that are based on national goals, measure performance, and 

report on the degree to which goals are met and on what actions are 

needed to achieve or modify goals that have not been met. Establishing 

clear goals and performance measures for the marine transportation 

system is critical to ensuring both a successful and a fiscally 

responsible effort.

Before national goals for the system can be established, however, an 

in-depth understanding of the relationship of the system to other 

transportation modes is required. Transportation experts highlight the 

need to view the system in the context of the entire transportation 

system in addressing congestion, mobility, and other challenges and, 

ultimately, investment decisions. For example, congestion challenges 

often occur where modes connect or should connect, such as ports where 

freight is transferred from one mode to another. The connections 

require coordination of more than one mode of transportation and 

cooperation among multiple transportation providers and planners. A 

systemwide approach to transportation planning and funding, as opposed 

to focus on a single mode or type of travel, could improve the focus on 

outcomes related to customer or community needs.

Meaningful goal setting also requires a comprehensive understanding of 

the scope and extent of issues and priorities facing the marine 

transportation system. However, there are clear signs that certain key 

issues and priorities are not yet understood well enough to establish 

meaningful goals for the system. For example, a comprehensive analysis 

of the issues and problems facing the marine transportation system has 

not yet been completed.[Footnote 15] In setting goals for investment 

decisions, leading organizations usually perform comprehensive needs 

assessments to obtain a clear understanding of the extent and scope of 

their issues, problems, and needs and, ultimately, to identify 

resources needed. These assessments should be results-oriented in that 

they determine what is needed to obtain specific outcomes rather than 

what is needed to maintain or expand existing capital stock.[Footnote 

16] Developing such information is important for ensuring that goals 

are framed in an adequate context. The call by many ports for federal 

assistance in dredging channels or harbors to 50 feet is an example. 

Dredging to 50 feet allows a port to accommodate the largest of the 

container ships currently being constructed and placed in service. 

However, developing the capacity to serve such ships is no guarantee 

that companies with such ships will actually choose to use a port. 

Every port’s desire to be competitive by having a 50-foot channel could 

thus lead to a situation in which the nation as a whole has an 

overcapacity for accommodating larger ships. The result, at least for 

the excess capacity, would signal an inefficient use of federal 

resources that might have been put to better use in other ways.

Define the Federal Role Relative to Other Stakeholders:

Establishing the roles of the federal, state, and local governments and 

private entities will help to ensure that goals can be achieved. The 

federal government is only one of many stakeholders in the marine 

transportation system. While these various stakeholders may all be able 

to share a general vision of the system, they are likely to diverge in 

the priorities and emphasis they place on specific goals. For example, 

the federal government, with its national point of view, is in a much 

different position than a local port intensely involved in head-to-head 

competition with other ports for the business of shipping companies or 

other businesses. For a port, its own infrastructure is paramount, 

while the federal government’s perspective is focused on the national 

and broader public interest.

Since there are so many stakeholders involved with the marine 

transportation system, achieving national goals for the system hinges 

on the ability of the federal government to forge effective 

partnerships with nonfederal entities. Decision makers have to balance 

national goals with the unique needs and interests of all nonfederal 

stakeholders in order to leverage the resources and capabilities that 

reside within state and local governments and the private sector. 

Future partnering among key maritime stakeholders may take on a 

different form as transportation planners begin focusing across 

transportation modes in making investment decisions instead of making 

investment decisions for each mode separately. The Alameda Corridor 

Program in the Los Angeles area provides an example of how effective 

partnering allowed the capabilities of the various stakeholders to be 

more fully utilized. Called the Alameda Corridor because of the street 

it parallels, the program created a 20-mile, $2.4 billion railroad 

express line connecting the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to the 

transcontinental rail network east of downtown Los Angeles. The express 

line eliminates approximately 200 street-level railroad crossings, 

relieving congestion and improving freight mobility for cargo. This 

project made substantial use of local stakeholders’ ability to raise 

funds. While the federal government participated in the cost, its share 

was only about 20 percent of the total cost, most of which was in the 

form of a loan rather than a grant.

Just as partnerships offer opportunities, they also pose risks based 

upon the different interests reflected by each stakeholder. While 

gaining the opportunity to leverage the resources and capabilities of 

partners, each of these nonfederal entities has goals and priorities 

that are independent of the federal government. For the federal 

government, there is concern that state and local governments may not 

share the same priorities for use of the federal funds. This may result 

in nonfederal entities replacing or “supplanting” their previous levels 

of commitment in areas with new federal resources. For example, in the 

area of port security, there is a significant funding need at the local 

level for overtime pay for police and security guards. Given the degree 

of need, if more federal funding was made available, local interests 

might push to apply federal funding in this way, thereby transferring a 

previously local function to the federal arena. In moving toward 

federal coverage of basic public services, the Congress and federal 

officials would be substantially expanding the federal role.

Develop Funding Tools and Other Approaches That Maximize the Federal 


When evaluating federal investments, a careful choice of the approaches 

and funding tools that would best leverage federal funds in meeting 

identified goals should be made. A well-designed funding approach can 

help encourage investment by other stakeholders and maximize the 

application of limited federal dollars. An important step in selecting 

the appropriate approach is to effectively harness the financial 

capabilities of local, state, and private stakeholders. The Alameda 

Corridor Program is a good example. In this program, state and local 

stakeholders had both a financial incentive to relieve congestion and 

the commitment and ability to bring financial resources to bear. Some 

other ports may not have the same level of financial incentives or 

capabilities to undertake projects largely on their own. For example, 

in studying the extent to which Florida ports were able to implement a 

set of security requirements imposed by the state, we found that some 

ports were able to draw on more financial resources than others, based 

on such factors as size, economic climate, and funding base.[Footnote 

17] While such information would be valuable in crafting federal 

assistance, it currently is largely unavailable. Relatively little is 

known about the extent of state, local, and private-sector funding 

resources across the country.

The federal government has a variety of funding tools potentially 

available for use such as grants, direct loans, loan guarantees, tax 

expenditures, and user fees. Through cost sharing and other 

arrangements, the federal government can use these approaches to help 

ensure that federal funds supplement--and not supplant--funds from 

other stakeholders. For example, an effective use of funding tools, 

with appropriate nonfederal matches and incentives, can be valuable in 

implementing a national strategy to support federal port investments, 

without putting the government in the position of choosing winners or 


Federal approaches can take other forms besides those that relate 

specifically to making funding available. These following approaches 

allow increased output without making major capital investments:

* Demand management. Demand management is designed to reduce travel at 

the most congested times and on the most congested routes. One demand 

management strategy involves requiring users to pay more to use 

congested parts of the system during such periods, with the idea that 

the charge will provide an incentive for some users to shift their use 

to a less congested time or to less congested routes or transportation 

modes. On inland waterways, for example, congestion pricing for locks-

-that is, charging a toll during congested periods to reflect the 

additional cost of delay that a vessel imposes on other vessels--might 

be a way to space out demand on the system. Many economists generally 

believe that such surcharges or tolls enhance economic efficiency by 

making operators take into account the external costs they impose on 

others in deciding when, where, and how to travel.

* Technology improvements. Instead of making extensive modifications to 

infrastructure such as locks and dams, it may be possible to apply 

federal investments to technology that makes the existing system more 

efficient. For example, technological improvements may be able to help 

barges on the inland waterways navigate locks in inclement weather, 

thereby reducing delays on the inland waterway system.

* Maintenance and rehabilitation. Enhancing capacity of existing 

infrastructure through increased maintenance and rehabilitation is an 

important supplement to, and sometimes a substitute for, building new 

infrastructure. Maintenance and rehabilitation can improve the speed 

and reliability of passenger and freight travel, thereby optimizing 

capital investments.

Management and operation improvements. Better management and operation 

of existing infrastructure may allow the existing transportation system 

to accommodate additional travel without having to add new 

infrastructure. For example, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is 

investigating the possibility of automating the operation of locks and 

dams on the inland waterways to reduce congestion at bottlenecks.

Examining Outcomes to Determine the Effectiveness of Investments:

Regardless of the tools selected, results should be evaluated and 

lessons learned should be incorporated into the decision-making 

process. Evaluating the effectiveness of existing or proposed federal 

investment programs could provide decision makers with valuable 

information for determining whether intended benefits have been 

achieved and whether goals, responsibilities, and approaches should be 

modified. Such evaluations are also useful for better ensuring 

accountability and providing incentives for achieving results.

Leading organizations that we have studied have stressed the importance 

of developing performance measures and linking investment decisions and 

their expected outcomes to overall strategic goals and 

objectives.[Footnote 18] Hypothetically, for example, one goal for the 

marine transportation system might be to increase throughput (that is, 

the volume of cargo) that can be transported through a particular lock 

and dam system on the nation’s inland waterways. A performance measure 

to gauge the results of an investment for this goal might be the 

increased use (such as number of barges passing through per hour) that 

results from this investment and the economic benefits associated with 

that increase.

In summary, Mr. Chairmen, the projected increases in freight tonnage 

will likely place pressures on the nation’s surface transportation 

systems. Maintaining these systems is critical to sustaining America’s 

economic growth. Therefore, there is a need to view various 

transportation modes from an integrated standpoint, particularly for 

the purposes of developing and implementing a federal investment 

strategy and alternative funding approaches. In such an effort, the 

framework of goals, roles, tools, and evaluation can be particularly 

helpful--not only for marine transportation funding, but for other 

modes as well.

Mr. Chairmen, this concludes my testimony. I will be happy to respond 

to any questions you or other Members may have.

[End of section]

Appendix I: Scope and Methodology:

To determine the amount of federal expenditures to support the 

commercial marine,[Footnote 19] aviation, and highway transportation 

systems and the amount of collections from federal assessments on the 

users of these systems for fiscal years 1999, 2000, and 2001, we 

reviewed prior GAO reports and other relevant documents, and 

interviewed officials from the Office of Management and Budget and 

various industry representatives. On the basis of this determination, 

we contacted 15 federal agencies and asked them to provide information 

on the expenditures[Footnote 20] and collections[Footnote 21] that were 

specific to the transportation systems, relying on each agency to 

identify expenditures and collections related to activities that 

support the transportation systems. In addition, we also received data 

from the U.S. Customs Service on the amount of duty collected on 

commodities imported by the transportation modes. The U.S. Customs 

Service provided estimates, developed by the U.S. Census Bureau, on the 

percent of collections that were attributable to water, sea, and land 

transportation modes. We applied these percentages to the total customs 

duties collected for fiscal years 1999, 2000, and 2001 provided by the 

U.S. Customs Service to compute the amount of total customs duties 

collected by the marine, aviation, and highway transportation systems 

each year.

We performed limited reasonableness tests on the data by comparing the 

data with the actual trust fund outlays contained in the budget of the 

U.S. government for fiscal years 2001, 2002, and 2003. Although we had 

each agency validate the data provided, we did not verify agency 

expenditures and collections.

To identify initial considerations that could help the Congress in 

addressing whether to change the scope or nature of federal investments 

in the marine transportation system, we conducted a review of prior GAO 

reports and other relevant studies to identify managerial best 

practices in establishing strategic plans and federal investment 

approaches. We also interviewed U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and 

Department of Transportation officials to obtain information on the 

current state of the commercial marine transportation system, the 

ability of the system to keep pace with growing demand, and activities 

that are under way to assess the condition and capacity of the 

infrastructure. Our work was carried out from January 2002 to September 

2002 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing 


[End of section]

Appendix II: Expenditures for the Marine, Aviation, and Highway 

Transportation Systems by Source of Funds (Fiscal Years 1999-2001):

Federal agencies spent an average of $3.9 billion annually on the 

marine transportation system, $10 billion annually on the aviation 

system, and $25 billion annually on the highway system. Whereas the 

primary source of funding for the marine transportation system is 

general tax revenues, the vast majority of federal funding invested in 

both the aviation and highway systems came from assessments on users of 

the systems. During the three-year period, general revenues were the 

funding source for 80 percent of the expenditures for the marine 

transportation system. In contrast, assessments on system users were 

the funding source for 88 percent of the amount spent on the aviation 

system and nearly 100 percent of the amount spent on the highway 


Table 1: Total Expenditures for the Marine, Aviation, and Highway 

Transportation Systems Summarized by the Source of Funds (Fiscal Years 

1999 - 2001):

[See PDF for image]

Note: Figures are nominal and have not been adjusted for inflation.

[A] Includes trust fund and reimbursable agency accounts.

Source: GAO analysis of data provided by agencies that expended funds.

[End of table]

[End of section]

Appendix III: Distribution of Amounts Collected from Users of the 

Transportation Systems (Fiscal Years 1999-2001):

Federal agencies collected an average of $1 billion annually from users 

of the marine transportation system, $11.1 billion annually from users 

of the aviation system, and $33.7 billion annually from users of the 

highway system. For all three transportation systems, most of the 

collections were deposited into trust fund accounts. During the three-

year period, 85 percent of the amounts collected from marine 

transportation system users, 94 percent of the amounts collected from 

aviation system users, and nearly 100 percent of the amounts collected 

from highway system users were deposited into trust fund accounts.

Table 2: Amounts Collected from Marine, Aviation, and Highway 

Transportation System Users and Accounts Receiving the Collection 

(Fiscal Years 1999 - 2001):

[See PDF for image]

Note: Figures are nominal and have not been adjusted for inflation.

Source: GAO analysis of data provided by agencies that expended funds.

[End of table]

[End of section]

Appendix IV: Amount Collected From Customs Duties on Commodities 

Transported on the Transportation Systems (Fiscal Years 1999-2001):

Unlike the fees and taxes on users that are earmarked to support the 

transportation systems, customs duties are not an assessment on the 

system; rather, duties are assessed on imported goods transported by 

the systems. The majority of customs duties collected are deposited in 

the U.S. Treasury’s general fund for the general support of federal 

activities.[Footnote 22] On average, the Customs Service reported $19.8 

billion collected annually for commodities imported by the 

transportation modes, with nearly 80 percent collected from the marine 


Table 3: Amount of Customs Duties Collected for Commodities Transported 

on the Marine, Aviation, and Highway Transportation Systems, Fiscal 

Years 1999 through 2001:

[See PDF for image]

Note: Figures are nominal and have not been adjusted for inflation.

[A] Includes amounts collected by rail.

Source: GAO computations based on data provided by the U.S. Customs 



[1] U.S. General Accounting Office, Marine Transportation: Federal 

Financing and a Framework for Infrastructure Investments, GAO-02-1033 

(Washington, D.C.: Sept. 9, 2002).

[2] We did not systematically evaluate the claims regarding new 

infrastructure investments. Recent work has recognized the as yet 

undefined financial requirements for enhancing the security of ports. 

See U.S. General Accounting Office, Port Security: Nation Faces 

Formidable Challenges in Making New Initiatives Successful, GAO-02-993T 

(Washington, D.C.: Aug. 5, 2002).

[3] The Federal Highway Administration’s maritime freight projections 

do not include international trade of bulk products and some inland 

domestic bulk shipments.

[4] One exception has been intermodal connections, such as rail or 

highway connections. The federal government has traditionally 

participated in funding such projects.

[5] U.S. Department of Transportation, An Assessment of the U.S. Marine 

Transportation System: A Report to Congress (Washington, D.C.: 

September 1999). GAO did not verify the accuracy of the information 

contained in this report.

[6] Although $93.3 million was made available in the supplemental 

appropriations bill, $1 million was authorized for administrative 

expenses. As of June 17, 2002, 77 grants for 144 ports security 

projects were awarded.

[7] The Transportation Security Administration, the Coast Guard, and 

the Maritime Administration reviewed applications under the Port 

Security Grants Program, which is based on the seaport security 

provisions contained in the Department of Defense and Emergency 

Supplemental Appropriations for Recovery from and Response to Terrorist 

Attacks on the United States Act of 2002 (Pub. L. No. 107-117, H.R. 

Conference Report 107-350). An additional $105 million was appropriated 

for the Port Security Grant Program as part of another supplemental 

appropriation act passed August 2, 2002 (Pub. L. No. 107-206).

[8] H.R. 1260 was introduced, but not enacted, in the 106th Congress to 

repeal the Harbor Maintenance Tax and return to funding the costs of 

operating and maintaining federal navigation channels from general 


[9] U.S. General Accounting office, Port Security: Nation Faces 

Formidable Challenges in Making New Initiatives Successful, GAO-02-993T 

(Washington, D.C.: Aug. 5, 2002).

[10] Such assessments include both user fees and excise taxes. User 

fees are charged to users for goods or services provided by, or 

activities regulated by, the federal government. User fees generally 

apply to activities that provide benefits to identifiable recipients 

and are normally related to the cost of the goods or services provided. 

They may be paid into the general fund or, under specific statutory 

authority, may be made available to an agency carrying out the 

activity. User fees may also be collected through a tax such as an 

excise tax. Since these collections result from the government’s 

sovereign powers, the proceeds are generally recorded as budget 

receipts, not as offsetting collections. Excise taxes can also be 

dedicated to specific programs and agencies.

[11] Collections are deposited into the U.S. Treasury and can be used 

for the general support of federal activities or may be earmarked by 

law for specific purposes and credited to a trust fund. A federal trust 

fund is an accounting mechanism used to link earmarked receipts with 

the expenditures of those receipts. It is designated in law as a 

“trust” fund.

[12] Under Section 612c of Title 7, 30 percent of the gross receipts 

from customs duties are designated for agricultural and food programs. 

Pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 3912, all duties on guns and ammunitions are 

credited to the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund and pursuant to 26 

U.S.C. 9504, duties on fishing tackle and yachts and pleasure craft are 

credited to the Sports Fish Restoration Account of the Aquatic 

Resources Trust Fund. In addition, tariffs from wood and certain wood 

products are credited to the Reforestation Trust Fund up to a total of 

$30 million (16 U.S.C. 1606(a)).

[13] We did not systematically evaluate these claims regarding new 

infrastructure investments. Recent work has recognized the as yet 

undefined financial requirements for enhancing the security of ports. 

See U.S. General Accounting Office, Port Security: Nation Faces 

Formidable Challenges in Making New Initiatives Successful, GAO-02-993T 

(Washington, D.C.: Aug. 5, 2002).

[14] Pub. L. No. 103-62.

[15] The 1999 marine transportation system report identified a number 

of issues and problems facing the marine transportation system. These 

included increased dredging requirements to accommodate larger 

container ships, aging and limited capacity of lock and dam systems on 

inland waterways, and congestion due to ineffective intermodal 

connections. In January 2000, the Secretary of Transportation chartered 

the Marine Transportation System National Advisory Council to help 

implement the recommendations contained in a report issued by the 

Department of Transportation entitled An Assessment of the U.S. Marine 

Transportation System: A Report to Congress. An interagency committee 

was also established to facilitate implementation of the 

recommendations in the report. Recognizing the need to thoroughly 

analyze the issues and problems facing the marine transportation 

system, the interagency committee is in the process of seeking contract 

support for a comprehensive analysis assessing the future needs and 

funding of the marine transportation system.

[16] U.S. General Accounting Office, U.S. Infrastructure: Funding 

Trends and Federal Agencies’ Investment Estimates, GAO-01-986T 

(Washington, D.C.: July 23, 2001).

[17] U.S. General Accounting Office, Port Security: Nation Faces 

Formidable Challenges in Making New Initiatives Successful, GAO-02-993T 

(Washington, D.C.: Aug. 5, 2002).

[18] U.S. General Accounting Office, Executive Guide: Leading Practices 

in Capital Decision-Making, GAO/AIMD-99-32 (Washington, D.C.: Dec. 


[19] Noncommercial activities, to include Coast Guard missions such as 

search and rescue and drug and migrant interdiction, as well as 

recreational activities, were excluded from our review as our focus was 

on the commercial marine transportation system.

[20] For the purposes of this report, expenditures are outlays to pay 

federal obligations identified by the agency for each fiscal year to 

support these systems, but may include payments for obligations 

incurred in previous fiscal years.

[21] Assessment collections are fees and taxes paid by users of a 

system that were identified by the agencies and may include revenues 

credited to federal funds, offsetting collections, and offsetting 


[22] Under Section 612 of Title 7, about 30 percent of the gross 

receipts from customs duties are designated for agricultural and food 

programs. In addition, pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 3912, all duties on guns 

and ammunitions go to the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund and pursuant 

to 26 U.S.C. 9504, duties on fishing tackle and yachts and pleasure 

craft go to the Sports Fish Restoration account of the Aquatic 

Resources Trust Fund. Also, tariffs from wood and certain wood products 

are transferred to the Reforestation Trust Fund up to a total of $30 

million (16 U.S.C. 1606(a)).