Relay Conference Captioning

Frequently Asked Questions

Using the Site

What do I need to attend an event?
How do I change the display of the text?
What is the Refresh selection for?
What is Speak into Event?
What is my limit to type into the Speak into Event?
What is the Transcript button for?
What is the Message Center for?
Can I refresh the screen?
Can I adjust the size of my browser window?

Troubleshooting Issues

If the words stop showing up, what does that mean?
What do I require to get the captioner connected to my event?
Do you have any contact so I can call for problems/questions?

General Questions

What’s the purpose of this service?
How do I get audio for the event?
What is the cost of this service?
Will this be recorded? Do I have privacy?
Can this service be used anywhere?
What impacts the quality of service and/or transcript?

Using the Site

What do I need to attend an event?

The minimum system requirements for attending an event are:
  • Internet Explorer 5.5 or Higher
  • JavaScript and cookies enabled in the browser
  • Microsoft Windows ME, NT, 2000, or XP
  • 800 x 600 screen resolution, 1024x768 or higher recommended

    How do I change the display of the text?

    The site allows the ability to change the size of the text by using the lower left hand section of the site. In this section you are able to change the font type as well as the color and size. In addition you can change the background color and text color of any new text.

    What is the Refresh selection for?

    This drop down menu controls how long it takes for new text to appear in the live transcript. Higher intervals will display larger blocks of text at a slower rate, lower intervals display smaller blocks of text at a higher rate.

    What is Speak into Event?

    This feature allows the participant to have the captioner voice into the conference call the text that is typed into this box by the participant. Please note that Speak into Event is available if the event was ordered with the Relay Conference Captioning Service Type option selected.

    What is my limit to type into the Speak into Event?

    There is no limit to the amount of text that can be typed into this box. Keep in mind that the more text that is entered into the ‘Speak into Event’ window could cause a problem for the captioner. The text that is typed into this box will be displayed to the captioner after the return key is pressed on the keyboard. This text is then voiced into the call by the captioner, and the text is displayed in the live transcript. 

    What is the Transcript button for?

    A transcript is the full text of the conference call from the time that the captioner connected into the audio. Depending on the options selected by the person who scheduled the captioning, the transcript can be downloaded and printed out at the participant’s discretion by clicking this button. If the organizer of the event wishes that no transcripts can be saved, then the users will not be allowed to download or print out the transcripts. A participant’s late arrival during the session will not affect the availability of the full text as it is determined by the captioner’s arrival to the event and not the users.

    What is the Message Center for?

    The Message Center is the section on the website that shows the participant what messages were sent to the captioner and the captioner’s responses to those messages. It acts in much the same manner as a chat window but the communication from the captioner is highly restricted within the Message Center. No one else can view this private dialogue. Only text that appears on the live transcript window becomes a part of the transcript.

    Can I refresh the screen?

    While you can refresh the screen at any time, the display is actually refreshed based on the Refresh setting selected from the drop down menu of the same name. If you are having trouble with the event for any reason, pressing the refresh button on the browser may resolve your issue.

    Can I adjust the size of my browser window?

    Yes, you can adjust the window to any size that you want, and your settings do not affect anyone else's display. We, recommend that your screen resolution be at 1024x768 pixels or higher and the browser window be set to full screen to allow for bigger font sizes that some users may require.

    Troubleshooting Issues

    If the words stop showing up, what does that mean?

    If there are no words being displayed on the screen, it could mean that the event has ended or nobody is speaking at that exact moment. Make sure the captioner is present and that the event is still underway. If you are having trouble with the event for any reason, pressing the refresh button on the browser may alleviate your issue.

    What is required for the captioner to connect to an event?

    The captioner is provided with all the information they need to connect to the event, when the event is ordered. The primary requirement is access to the audio.

    Do you have any contact so I can call for problems/questions?

    Please contact your event organizer or host for support information.

    General Questions

    What’s the purpose of this service?

    Federal Relay Conference Captioning (FedRCC) is an Internet-based technology that enables deaf or hard of hearing federal employees and/or general public the ability to join and participate in teleconference calls.

    How do I get audio for the event?

    The words that are spoken in the event and captioned by the captioner are not spoken out loud using the RCC service. If you wish to listen in on the spoken words being captioned, contact your event organizer.

    What is the cost of this service?

    Any Federal agency that has a Task Order with Sprint will be billed for usage of FedRCC service by the employee or general public. Cost of FedRCC is available at Click the “Contract/Pricing” tab and then download the "Federal Relay Pricing" document.

    Will this be recorded? Do I have privacy?

    The text of the event may be subject to recording via saved transcripts. This option is at the sole discretion of the requestor.

    Can this service be used anywhere?

    The service can be used anywhere with an Internet connected PC and captioner access to the event’s audio.

    What impacts the quality of service and/or transcript?

    The quality of the captioning and/or transcript is dependent on certain factors, such as the following:
  • The kind of terminology used
  • The person's speech clarity
  • The quality of the audio including how close the person is speaking to the microphone

    Note: It is highly recommended that the requestor provide as much information as possible to the captioner prior to the call, whether it be PowerPoint, agenda, document, etc.

  • GSA Logo Federal RCC is managed by GSA and provided by Sprint.