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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Center for Mediation and Conflict Resolution

David Smock

The Center for Mediation and Conflict Resolution designs and manages the Institute's efforts in areas where fighting is active. The Center also conducts research, identifies best practices, develops new peacemaking tools, and supports related training and education efforts.

David Smock is the vice president of the Center for Mediation and Conflict Resolution.

Recent Center Highlights

Colombia's Crossroads: The FARC and the Future of the Hostages
June 2008 | USIPeace Briefing
This USIPeace Briefing discusses the condition of the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces, their hostages and the potential direction of this situation. The briefing stresses insights that key figures in the issue raised in recent visits to Washington, DC.

transcript Read insights from Colombia team leader Virginia M. Bouvier

  • Israel/Palestine - USIP is targeting a series of obstacles confronting a new peace process: institutional capacity to make compromises; unwillingness of Israeli and Palestinian publics to demand or support such compromises; and improved understanding among American policymakers of the U.S. role in—and practices for—peacemaking.
  • Nigeria - Nigeria is rife with conflicts over petroleum resources and religion. Amidst this situation, the Center is working on peace efforts for the Niger Delta region, including working collaboratively with local governments, oil companies, and Nigerian NGOs.
  • Darfur - In the midst of the persistent crisis in Darfur, USIP is: helping the African Union organize a regional reconciliation process; facilitating religious peacemaking; empowering Darfuri youth; and organizing training on conflict resolution.
  • Colombia - In spite of prolonged and chronic internal armed conflict, limited advances in peacebuilding have been realized in Colombia, including demobilization of paramilitaries. USIP is working on a number of initiatives, including ecumenical peacemaking in Colombia, the Cucuta Peacebuilding and Training Network and targeted investments in local peacebuilding projects.
  • Kashmir - USIP has focused its efforts in this region on building constituencies for peace through enhanced business and trade collaboration, including the Kashmir Cross-Border Business dialogue.
  • Nepal - Rule of law is an essential building block of long-term peace in Nepal. USIP is helping establish a national legal framework, truth commissions, and strategies to address serious crimes.
  • N. Uganda - Although progress has been made in negotiations between the Ugandan government and the Lord's Resistance Army, northern Uganda remains saddled with nearly two million internally displaced persons and tens of thousands of fatalities in the regional civil war. In this situation, USIP is working across several fronts, including faith-based reconciliation and transitional justice.
  • Sri Lanka - Amidst a bloody conflict that has lasted a quarter century and a halting peace process, USIP continues to be actively engaged in the country through interfaith dialogue and investments in local peacebuilding projects.

Core Conflict Management Resources

Mediation and Conflict Resolution Resources


Online Training Course on Mediation
In collaboration with the Education and Training Center, the Center is producing an online certificate course in mediation. USIP's courses are online, free, and may be taken by anyone at anytime.

Managing a Mediation Process

Peacemaker's Toolkit
In coordination with the United Nations Mediation Support Unit and in collaboration with a number of other mediation institutes and experts, USIP is developing a series of "best practices" handbooks on key aspects of mediation and peacemaking. Managing a Mediation Process is the first handbook of the Peacemaker’s Toolkit series. | Read more

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