Welcome to the California Department of Developmental Services

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Jim Rogers
Executive Director

15000 Arnold Drive
Eldridge, CA 95431
Public: (707) 938-6000
Fax: (707) 938-3605
TTY: (707) 938-6548

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Sonoma Developmental Center Newsletters

Eldridge Press

Eldridge Press Newsletter

Sonoma Developmental Center generates the Eldridge Press, a bi-monthly newsletter whose audience includes clients and their families, service providers, and other stakeholders. Articles feature the people who live and work there, and include information about the facility, partnerships with other service providers, Facility-wide events, and activities and services provided at the Center. We hope you enjoy reading the current issue of the Eldridge Press!

Advocacy Rights Opportunities (ARO) Quarterly

The ARO Quarterly provides information on advocacy and support for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Last Updated: 9/3/2008