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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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Bernalillo County Fire & Rescue
Responding To The Needs and Safety of the Community

The Mission Statement of Fire & Rescue is to protect lives and property through proactive education, prevention and response.

Saving and protecting all lives

Vision Statement

We will be:

  • A highly motivated team to improve our partnership with the community.
  • A healthy team working to provide a safe environment.
  • A skilled team that is effective, empowered and enthusiastic in our service.
  • A responsive team focused on the expanding needs of our community.
  • A proactive team that anticipates and influences change.

We covet the public's and each other's trust and endeavor to maintain it through VALOR, EXCELLENCE and SELFLESSNESS.

We strive for constant improvement to better serve the community and each other.

Delivering service without recklessness, we put the consideration of others above and before ourselves.

Courageously encountering adversity, accepting responsibility of one's actions, and providing respectful and obedient conduct due the public and our peers.