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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Education and Training Center

Education and Training Center/Domestic
Education and training.

The mission of the Education and Training Center, Domestic Programs is to create and deliver courses and supporting teaching materials, to improve the practice of conflict management, and to help professionalize the field. Target audiences include civilian and military practitioners, faculty from other institutions, and graduate, undergraduate and high school students.

USIP is currently developing a number of courses through which professionals from government, the military, NGOs, and IOs, as well as pre-professionals in the academic world can come together and receive training on core conflict management skills, as well as best practices in conflict prevention, peacemaking, and state-building. Click here to learn more.


Infusing Understanding of Peace and Conflict in the Muslim World into the Curriculum
June 17-20, 2008
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USIP co-sponsored a three-day faculty development program at Madison Area Technical College from June 18-20, 2008, focusing on promoting strategies for teaching about the Muslim world. The program was supported by a Title VI grant from the Department of Education. Other sponsors included the Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, the Illinois Consortium for International Studies and Programs, and the Wisconsin Technical College System Standing Committee on International Education. College and secondary school faculty from Wisconsin, Kansas, Illinois, Virginia, New Mexico and other states participated. Qamar-ul Huda, John Voll from Georgetown University, Manoucher Khosrowshahi from Tyler Junior College, Safiya Ghori from the Muslim Public Affairs Council, and Nader Ayish from American University and Fairfax County Public Schools presented. The program was coordinated by Geoff Bradshaw from Madison Area Technical College and David Smith.


University of Hawaii Students Visit USIP
May 29, 2008
Students from the University of Hawaii Maui Community College visited USIP on May 29, accompanied by faculty member Joshua Cooper. The students were participating in a program on human rights sponsored by the University of the District of Columbia School of Law, the University of Hawaii, and the Hawaii Institute for Human Rights. Matt Levinger talked to the group about genocide prevention.


Global Peace and Security in Community Colleges and the Communities They Serve
May 27-June 1, 2008
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This seminar gave community college faculty and administrators an opportunity to carefully examine the nature of international peace and security and to address how community colleges can relate this to the constituencies they serve.

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For High School Students


For High School Teachers


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United States Institute of Peace - 1200 17th Street NW - Washington, DC 20036
+1.202.457.1700 (phone) - +1.202.429.6063 (fax)