Climate Publications

Yang, P., L. Zhang, G. Hong, S. L. Nasiri, B. A. Baum, H. L. Huang, M. D. King, and S. Platnick, 2007: Differences between collection 4 and 5 MODIS ice cloud optical/microphysical products and their impact on radiative forcing simulations. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens, 45, 2886-2899.

This paper reports on the comparison of two latest versions (collections 4 and 5) of ice cloud products derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) measurements. The differences between the bulk optical properties of ice clouds used in collections 4 and 5 and the relevant impact on simulating the correlation of the bidirectional reflection functions at two MODIS bands centered at 0.65 (or 0.86) and 2.13 µm are investigated. The level-3 MODIS ice cloud properties (specifically, ice cloud fraction, optical thickness, and effective particle size in this paper) from the collection 4 and 5 datasets are compared for a tropical belt of 30°S–30°N. Furthermore, the impact of the differences between the MODIS collection 4 and 5 ice cloud products on the simulation of the radiative forcing of these clouds is investigated. Over the tropics, the averaged ice cloud fraction from collection 5 is 1.1% more than the collection 4 counterpart, the averaged optical thickness from collection 5 is 1.2 larger than the collection 4 counterpart, and the averaged effective particle radius from collection 5 is 1.8 µm smaller than the collection 4 counterpart. Moreover, the magnitude of the differences between collection 5 and 4 ice cloud properties also depends on the surface characteristics, i.e., over land or over ocean. The differences of these two datasets (collections 4 and 5) of cloud properties can have a significant impact on the simulation of the radiative forcing of ice clouds. In terms of total (longwave plus shortwave) cloud radiative forcing, the differences between the collection 5 and 4 results are distributed primarily between -60 and 20 Wm-2 but peak at 0 W m-2.
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September 16, 2008 in Publications
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