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Director's Report to the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse - September, 2003

Program Activities

New NIDA PAs and RFAs

On June 16, NIDA issued a new Program Announcement (PA) entitled Women, Gender Differences and Drug Abuse (PA-03-139). This PA encourages gender-based drug abuse research that explores the mechanisms, origins, and consequences of drug abuse, and that develops and assesses gender-based prevention and treatment interventions and services. It also encourages the study of female-specific issues in all areas of drug abuse.

On July 7, 2003, NIDA issued a Program Announcement (PA) entitled Behavioral Science Track Award for Rapid Transition (B/START) -- NIDA (PAR-03-146). This PA is a reissuance of PAR-01-014, issued November 8, 2000 in the NIH Guide. Through this PA, NIDA seeks to facilitate the entry of beginning investigators into the field of behavioral science research. NIDA invites newly independent investigators to submit applications for small-scale, exploratory, or pilot research projects related to NIDA's behavioral science mission.

On July 22, 2003, NIDA issued a Program Announcement (PA) entitled Molecular Genetics of Drug Addiction Vulnerability (PA-03-155). This PA seeks investigator-initiated applications for research projects that identify chromosomal loci and genetic variation in genes and haplotypes that are associated with increased vulnerability to addiction or dependence on stimulants (e.g., cocaine and amphetamine), narcotics (e.g., opiates), nicotine, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, cannabis, hallucinogens, and/or multiple drugs of abuse in human beings.

On July 22, 2003, NIDA issued a Program Announcement (PA) entitled SBIR/STTR Phase II Continuation Awards (PA-03-154). This PA provides up to another three years of support to small businesses for drug development by providing a second stage of Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) funding. A recipient of an NIH SBIR/STTR Phase I and Phase II award normally receives under $1 million, and less than three years of support. Although Phase I and Phase II SBIR/STTR support is sufficient for initial discovery efforts (e.g., compound synthesis and some in vitro and in vivo preclinical pharmacological testing), it is not adequate to support either the kind of developmental work needed for compliance with the Food and Drug Administration's requirements for an investigational new drug (IND), or for clinical trials. This PA specifically invites applications for the competing continuation of previously funded Phase II SBIR and STTR grants, to take existing, promising pharmacological treatment agents for drug and nicotine abuse and dependence through the next step of drug discovery and development.

On May 23, 2003, NIDA issued an RFA entitled Centers for the Development of Medications to Treat Drug Dependence DA-04-003 to solicit applications for funding research centers called Medication Development Units (MDUs) directed towards the identification, evaluation and development of safe and effective medications for the treatment of cocaine, methamphetamine, club drug, opiate, and cannabis related disorders, including substance use (abuse and dependence) and substance-induced disorders such as substance withdrawal and intoxication. Letter of Intent Receipt Date for this RFA: September 15, 2003; Application Receipt Date: October 14, 2003.

PAs/RFAs Issued With Other NIH Components or Agencies

On May 19, 2003, NIDA, in collaboration with NIAAA, issued a Program Announcement (PA) entitled Behavioral Therapies Development Program (PA-03-126). Through this PA, NIDA and NIAAA are seeking research grant applications on the development of behavioral treatments for drug and alcohol abuse and dependence. This PA reaffirms NIDA's and NIAAA's continued and ongoing commitment to major programs of research on behavioral therapies.

On June 6, 2003, NIDA, in collaboration with NIMH and NICHD, issued a Program Announcement (PA) entitled Women's Mental Health in Pregnanacy and the Postpartum Period (PA-03-135). In this PA, research on women's mental health in relation to pregnancy and the postpartum period is encouraged including epidemiological, diagnostic, clinical, and intervention research on postpartum depression and psychosis.

On May 16, 2003, NIDA, in conjunction with numerous other NIH components, issued a Program Announcement (PA) entitled Global Health Research Initiative Program for New Foreign Investigators (PAR-03-118). This PA is intended to promote productive re-entry of NIH-trained foreign investigators from low-income countries into their home countries as part of a broader program to enhance the scientific research infrastructure in developing countries, to stimulate research on a wide variety of high priority health-related issues in these countries, and to advance NIH efforts to address health issues of global import.

On May 12, 2003, NIDA, in conjunction with numerous other NIH components, issued a Program Announcement (PA) entitled Innovations in Biomedical Computational Science and Technology: SBIR/STTR Initiative (PAR-03-119). Participating Institutes and Centers of NIH invite applications for innovative research in biomedical computational science and technology to promote the progress of biomedical research. This PA will utilize the SBIR and STTR mechanisms but will be run in parallel with a PA of identical scientific scope (PAR-03-106) that will utilize the traditional research project grant (R01) or the phased innovation award (R21/R33).

On June 4, 2003, NIDA, in conjunction with a number of other NIH Institutes and the National Science Foundation (NSF), issued a Program Announcement (PA) entitled Tools for Collaborations that Involve Data Sharing (PA-03-134). This PA invites proposals to develop collaborative tools and techniques that creatively manage and analyze large amounts of data that are generated during research and need to be shared among several (or many) groups.

On July 11, 2003, NIDA, in collaboration with numerous other NIH Institutes and Centers, issued a Program Announcement (PA) entitled Biobehavioral Pain Research (PA-03-152). The purpose of this PA is to inform the scientific community of the interests of the various institutes at the NIH and to stimulate and foster a wide range of basic and clinical studies on pain as they relate to the missions of these Institutes.

On August 7, 2003, NIDA, in collaboration with NIMH, NIAAA, NIA and NCI issued a Program Announcment (PA) entitled Research on the Reduction and Prevention of Suicidality (PA-03-161). Through this PA the participating NIH Institutes invite grant applications for research that will reduce the burden of suicidality (deaths, attempts, and ideation). The intent of this PA is to intensify investigator-initiated research on this topic, to attract new investigators to the field, and to increase interdisciplinary approaches to developing effective strategies to reduce suicidality.

On July 1, 2003, NIDA, in collaboration with the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and the NIH Office of Rare Diseases (ORD), issued an RFA entitled Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award with Emphasis on the Application of Genomic or Proteomic Technologies (K23) (HG-03-006). The purpose of this K23 award is to support the career development of clinicians who intend to engage in patient-oriented research that involved the application of the knowledge, tools, technologies and approaches of genomics and proteomics to the study of diseases in an effort to develop effective therapeutic interventions. This award will provide support for three to five years of supervised study and research for clinically trained professionals who plan to become independent, productive, clinical investigators focusing on patient-oriented research. Application Receipt Dates for this RFA: October 20, 2003; October 20, 2004; and October 20, 2005.

On August 20, 2003, NIDA, in collaboration with NIMH, issued an RFA entitled Developing Translational Research on Mechanisms of Extinction Learning (RFA-MH-04-005). Through this RFA, NIMH and NIDA hope to foster collaborations between basic and clinical researches who are focusing their research interests on extinction mechanisms. The goal of this RFA is to promote the development of innovative pilot projects that incorporate multidisciplinary approaches to the study of extinction learning and to accelerate the development of novel pharmacological, behavioral, and cognitive therapies for anxiety and drug disorders that are marked by deficits in extinction learning and/or the inability to consolidate safety signals. Letter of Intent Receipt Date for this RFA: November 18, 2003. Application Receipt Date: December 18, 2003.

On August 6, 2003, NIDA, in collaboration with NIMH and NIAAA, issued an RFA entitled Developing Centers on Interventions for the Prevention of Suicide (DCIPS) (RFA-MH-04-003). The purpose of this RFA is to establish core support for building research infrastructure for the study of preventive and treatment interventions for suicidality (severe ideation, attempts, deaths) related to mental health, substance use disorders (SUDs) and alcohol use disorders (AUDs). Letter of Intent Receipt Date for this RFA: October 17, 2003. Application Receipt Date: November 18, 2003.

On May 22, 2003, NIDA, in collaboration with numerous other NIH components, issued an RFA entitled Human Subjects Research Enhancements Program (HSREP) (OD-03-007). The purpose of this initiative is to provide short-term interim support for institutional activities that will strengthen oversight of human subjects research at institutions that receive significant NIH support for clinical research. Application Receipt Date for this RFA: July 11, 2003.

On May 30, NIDA, in collaboration with several other NIH components and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) issued an RFA entitled Research on Research Integrity (NS-04-001). The purpose of this RFA is to foster empirical research on societal, organizational, group and individual factors that affects, both positively and negatively, integrity in research. Letter of Intent Receipt Date for this RFA: October 14, 2003. Application Receipt Date: November 14, 2003.

On July 14, 2003, NIDA, in collaboration with a number of other NIH components, issued an RFA entitled Research on Mind-Body Interactions and Health (OD-03-008). Through this RFA, participating Institutes, Centers and Offices invite applications in support of research on mind-body interactions and health. "Mind-body interactions and health" refers to the relationships among cognitions, emotions, personality, social relationships and health. Letter of Intent Receipt Date for this RFA: November 17, 2003. Application Receipt Date: December 17, 2003.

On August 5, 2003, NIDA and several other NIH components issued an RFA entitled International Bioethics Education and Career Development Award (RFA-TW-04-001). This RFA invites applications to develop or expand current graduate level curricula and training opportunities in international bioethics related to performing research involving human subjects in low- and middle-income nations. Letter of Intent Receipt Date for this RFA: November 17, 2003. Application Receipt Date: December 16, 2003.

Other Program Activities

Aging and Drug Abuse Workgroup
A new NIDA workgroup has been formed under the leadership of Drs. Timothy Condon and Susan Weiss, with participants from each Division, to focus on issues related to aging and drug abuse. The overall goal is to determine how NIDA should support and encourage research that addresses the questions of how a history of drug abuse might affect the aging process, and whether drug abuse will emerge as a significant problem in the aging baby-boomer generation. The workgroup has reviewed NIDA's portfolio in this area and is in the process of planning a workshop tentatively titled: Preparing for the 21st Century: How Serious a Problem will Drug Abuse be in the Elderly Population? The workgroup has and will continue to collaborate with other NIH Institutes (NIMH, NIA, NIAAA) in this endeavor.

CTN Protocol Update
Wave 1 Protocols:

  • Five CTN studies have closed enrollment, five other studies are open and enrolling. A total of 4,745 patients have been screened with 2,282 of those enrolling in the trials. Other studies as listed below are starting in the next few months.
  • Protocol CTN-0004 (Motivational Enhancement Treatment to Improve Treatment Engagement and Outcome in Subjects Seeking Treatment for Substance Abuse) is actively enrolling at sites across 3 states. A total of 455 participants have enrolled in this study so far. Three of the five participating sites have reached their targeted enrollment of 100 clients.
Wave 2 Protocols:
  • CTN 0011 (A Feasibility Study of a Telephone Enhancement Procedure - TELE - to Improve Participation in Continuing Care Activities) began enrollment in January 2003. A total of 199 patients in four sites have enrolled in the last six months. This is a feasibility study and will be carried out at four sites across three nodes. Participation is at 55% of the targeted enrollment of 360.
  • Protocol CTN 0008 (Baseline Survey) has been actively collecting survey information in all 17 Nodes since January 2002.
  • Protocol CTN 0009 (Smoking Cessation Treatment With Transdermal Nicotine Replacement Therapy in Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Programs) started enrolling April 9, 2003. This study will be carried out at 12 Community Treatment Programs across 7 Nodes. Twenty participants have been enrolled in the last two months at 2 sites. The other 10 sites will be enrolling once IRB approvals are finalized.
  • Protocol CTN 0003 (Bup/Nx: Comparison of Two Taper Schedules) began enrollment June 30, 2003. This study will be carried out at 11 sites across 8 nodes. The targeted enrollment is 480 participants.
  • CTN 0010 (Buprenorphine/Naloxone Facilitated Rehabilitation for Opioid Dependent Adolescents/Young Adults) began enrollment on July 17, 2003. This is the first adolescent protocol in the CTN. This study will be carried out at 5 CTP sites across 4 nodes. The targeted enrollment is 240 adolescent/ young adult participants.
  • Protocol CTN 0012 (HIV/AIDS, Hep C, and Infections Screening in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs) was approved for implementation. The protocol training was held at the Albuquerque Steering Committee Meeting in March 2003. This is a survey to be conducted in all CTPs across all 17 nodes. This was initiated and data has begun to be collected.
Wave 3 Protocols:
  • The third wave of protocols are progressing and some are near implementation.
  • Protocol CTN 0021(Motivational Enhancement Treatment to Improve Treatment Engagement and Outcome for Spanish-Speaking Individuals Seeking Treatment for Substance Abuse) has been approved. Protocol and therapist training were held July 21-23, 2003 in Miami, FL. Enrollment began in August 2003. This is the first Spanish only protocol in the CTN. It will be conducted at 6 bi-lingual sites across 5 nodes.
  • Protocol CTN 0013 (Motivational Enhancement Therapy to Improve Treatment Utilization and Outcome in Pregnant Substance Abusers) has been approved for implementation. Training was held in July 2003, and MET test cases are enrolling now. Once the test cases are reviewed and the therapists certified, enrollment will begin.
  • Protocol CTN 0014 (Brief Strategic Family Therapy for Adolescent Drug Abusers (BSFT)) has been approved by NIDA. Therapist training and implementation will take place in waves. The first wave of 5 sites received protocol training on August 18, 2003. Pilot family cases will be recruited in September 2003. BSFT will be implemented at 13 sites across 10 nodes plus Puerto Rico. This intervention is the first CTN study to target adolescents and their families.
  • Three HIV protocols (CTN 0017 HIV and HCV Intervention in Drug Treatment Settings, CTN 0018 HIV/STD Safer Sex Skills Groups for Men in Methadone Maintenance or Drug Free Outpatient Programs, and CTN 0019 HIV/STD Safer Sex Skills Groups for Women in Methadone Maintenance or Drug Free Outpatient Programs) were reviewed at the April 2003 Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) Meeting. Sites are being finalized for those protocols. They will be carried out at numerous sites across the Network. It is expected that these will start enrolling in January 2004.
  • Protocol CTN 0020 (Job Seekers Training for Patients with Drug Dependence) was also reviewed at the April 2003 Data Safety and Monitoring Board Meeting. This study is expected to be launched in the Spring of 2004.
Wave 4 Protocols:
  • The fourth wave of new protocols was submitted for review by the Protocol Review Board on August 13-14, 2003.
    These protocols include: CTN 0022 (Family Management Skills for Drug Involved Women in Treatment); CTN 0023 (12-Step Facilitation as an Intervention to Increase 12-Step Involvement and Improve Outcomes Among Substance Dependent Individuals); CTN 0024 (Reducing HIV Risk Behavior Among Adolescents in Community Based Substance Abuse Programs); CTN 0025 (Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT)); and CTN 0026 (Treatment of Depression in Adult Substance Abusers with Escitalopra).

Summer Research with NIDA Program
Flair Lindsey, NIDA Special Populations Office, coordinated the seventh annual Summer Research with NIDA program. The program allowed high school and undergraduate students to engage in drug abuse research with NIDA grantees for 8-10 weeks during the summer. In 2003, 72 students and 25 grantees participated in the program.

NIDA's New and Competing Continuation Grants Awarded Since May 2003

Alexander, Jeffrey A. -- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Drug Abuse Treatment System Survey

Anderson, Rachel L. -- University of Iowa
Integrating Rural Health Services for Adolescents

Arnsten, Julia H. -- Yeshiva University
Efficacy and Cost of HAART DOT In Methadone Clinics

Arria, Amelia M. -- University of Maryland
The Natural History and Consequences of Ecstasy Use

Aston-Jones, Gary S. -- University of Pennsylvania
Role of Extended Amygdala In Opiate and Cocaine Abuse

Ator, Nancy A. -- Johns Hopkins University
Functional Analysis of GABAergic Sedative/Anxiolytics

Baum, Marianna K. -- Florida International University
HIV Disease, Drug Abuse, & Nutrient Therapy In Botswana

Bechara, Antoine -- University of Iowa
Changes In Addictive Behaviors After Brain Lesions

Benowitz, Neal L. -- University of California San Francisco
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Nicotine

Berns, Gregory S. -- Emory University
The Neurobiology of Uncertainty

Berridge, Kent C. -- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Cue-Triggered Reward Seeking

Bibb, James A. -- University of Texas South West Medical Center/Dallas
The Role of Cdk5 in Addiction

Blank, Michael B. -- University of Pennsylvania
HIV Prevention Program Among Substance Abusing SMI

Blough, Bruce E. -- Research Triangle Institute
Potential Treatment Medications for Drug Abuse

Bolla, Karen I. -- Johns Hopkins University
Sleep Disturbance In Marijuana Withdrawal

Booth, Robert E. -- University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Reducing HCV/HIV Risks Comparing Two Interventions

Bradberry, Charles W. -- Yale University
CNS Consequences of Chronic Cocaine Self-Administration

Branch, Marc N. -- University of Florida
Behavioral Determinants of Cocaine Tolerance

Brooner, Robert K. -- Johns Hopkins University
Services Research: Psychiatric Comorbidity In Drug Abuse

Budney, Alan J. -- University of Vermont & State Agricultural College
Clinical Significance of Marijuana Withdrawal

Bukstein, Oscar G. -- University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh
Home Based Treatment For Drug Use In Early Adolescents

Capaldi, Deborah M. -- Oregon Social Learning Center, Inc.
Adjustment Problems and Substance Use In 3 Generations

Castillo, Pablo -- Yeshiva University
Presynaptic Forms of Long-Term Plasticity In The CNS

Chavkin, Charles -- University of Washington
Opioid Mediation of Stress-Potentiated Cocaine Response

Cinciripini, Paul M. -- University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
A Mood Management Intervention For Pregnant Smokers

Clatts, Michael -- National Development & Research Institutes
Male IDUs In Viet Nam: Ethno-Epidemiology of HIV Risk

Colby, Suzanne M. -- Brown University
Smoking Versus Alternative Reinforcers In Adolescents

Correia, Christopher J. -- Auburn University at Auburn
Behavioral Treatment For College Student Cigarette Use

Cowan, Ronald L. -- Vanderbilt University
High-Field Functional MRI of Human Euphoria

Cox, Brian M. -- Henry M. Jackson Fnd. For The Advancement of Military Medicine
N/Ofq Expression and Neural Injury

Cunningham, Kathryn A. -- University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
Targeted Proteomics of Stress and Addiction

Dakof, Gayle A. -- University of Miami
"Engaging Moms." An Intervention For Family Drug Court

Dallery, Jesse -- University of Florida
A Home-Based Behavioral Treatment For Cigarette Smoking

Dallery, Jesse -- University of Florida
Impulsivity and Relapse Prevention In Smoking

Dallman, Mary F. -- University of California San Francisco
Chronic Stress Intensifies Incentive Relativity

Davis, Betsy -- Oregon Research Institute
Preventing Drug Abuse In American Indian Children

Delaney-Black, Virginia -- Wayne State University
Consequences of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure In Adolescence

Deutsch, Dale G. -- State University New York Stony Brook
Anandamide and the Fatty Amide Hydrolase (FAAH)

Dobs, Adrian S. -- Johns Hopkins University
Cognitive Consequences of Endocrine Dysfunction In IDU

Donny, Eric C. -- Johns Hopkins University
Effects of Chronic Exposure To Smoking Stimuli

Duvauchelle, Christine L. -- University of Texas Austin
Cocaine & Brain: Progressive Changes In Behavior/DA/Fos

Espy, Kimberly A. -- Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Prenatal Tobacco Exposure: Perinatal and Genetic Risks

Fals-Stewart, William S. -- State University of New York at Buffalo
Parent Training and Couples Therapy for Drug Abuse

Faw, Leyla -- Fordham University
Fidelity of Residental Treatment for Teen Drug Abuse

Fishbein, Diana H. -- Research Triangle Institute
Neurocognitive Function In Russian Heroin Addicts

Foltin, Richard W. -- New York State Psychiatric Institute
Laboratory Analysis of Cocaine Abstinence

Friedman, Theodore C. -- Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science
HPA Axis Activation and Nicotine Use

Friedman, Theodore C. -- Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science
Chronic Nicotine's Activation of the HPA Axis

Furr-Holden, Carolyn D. -- Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation
Using Randomized Incidents In Prevention Research

Galizio, Mark -- University of North Carolina Wilmington
Drugs of Abuse and Complex Behavior

Garner, Craig C. -- Stanford University
Sap97 Isoforms In Trafficking Synaptic Glur1

Gerbert, Barbara -- University of California San Francisco
Prevention for Prenatal Health

Gibelman, Margaret -- Yeshiva University
Educating for Responsible Research Conduct

Gold, Paul E. -- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Stress Effects on the Balance Between Memory Systems

Gruber, Staci A. -- Mc Lean Hospital, Belmont, MA
Frontal Neural Mechanisms and Risk for Substance Abuse

Haller, Deborah L. -- St. Luke's-Roosevelt Institute for Health Sciences
Drug Treatment for Transplant Candidates

Halliday-Boykins, Colleen A. -- Medical University of South Carolina
Substance Outcomes For Youth In Psychiatric Crisis

Hargreaves, Kenneth M. -- University of Texas Health Sciences Center San Antonio
Peripheral Mechanisms of Opioid Analgesia

Hawkins, J. David -- University of Washington
Science-Based Prevention: Testing Communities That Care

Hecht, Michael L. -- Pennsylvania State University-University Park
Drug Resistance Strategies Minority Project

Henriksen, Steven J. -- Scripps Research Institute
Drugs of Abuse and Neuroaids: Proteome Activity Profiles

Herzog, David B. -- Massachusetts General Hospital
Substance Use Disorders In Women With Anorexia/Bulimia

Hillard, Cecilia J. -- Medical College of Wisconsin
Brain Endocannabinoids and Chronic Stress

Hook, Vivian -- Buck Institute for Age Research
Proteomics/Genomics of Opiate Analgesia and Addiction

Hopfer, Christian J. -- University of Colorado Heallth Sciences Center
A Family Study of Substance Use & Conduct Disorder

Hough, Lindsay B. -- Albany Medical College of Union University
Non-Opioid Analgesics Derived From Improgan

Howell, Leonard L. -- Emory University
Transitional States In Drug Addiction

Iacono, William G. -- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Twin Family Study of Vulnerability To Substance Abuse

Ingersoll, Karen S. -- Virginia Commonwealth University
Development of Cart For HIV Adherence and Cocaine Abuse

Izenwasser, Sari -- University of Miami
Neurochemical Consequences of Drugs In Adolescent Rats

Jacobs, Barry L. -- Princeton University
Marijuana & Cytokine Actions On Rat Brain Mitogenesis

Janda, Kim D. -- Scripps Research Institute
A New Protein-Based Approach For Cocaine Abuse Treatment

Janda, Kim D. -- Scripps Research Institute
Catalytic Antibodies As Therapy For Drug Addiction

Kahler, Christopher W. -- Brown University
Improving Smoking Cessation Outcomes In Heavy Drinkers

Kaldor, John M. -- National Centre/HIV Epidemiology/Clincal Research
Longitudinal Cohort of Newly Acquired HCV Infection

Kauer, Julie A. -- Brown University
Synaptic Plasticity In The VTA Studied In Vivo

Kilts, Clinton D. -- Emory University
Cocaine Dependence and Cognitive Control of Behavior

Kinlock, Timothy W. -- Friends Research Institute, Inc.
Methadone Maintenance For Prisoners

Kinnunen, Taru -- Harvard University School of Medicine
Exercise and Nicotine Replacement for Female Smokers

Kipke, Michele D. -- Children's Hospital Los Angeles
YMSM Drug Use, Sexual Risk & Health Promoting Behaviors

Kohlenberg, Barbara S. -- University of Nevada Reno
Reducing Felt Stigma In SUD

Landau, Emmanuel M. -- Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University
Translational Control of LTP

Lankenau, Stephen E. -- Columbia University Health Sciences
Ketamine Injection and HIV Risk Among High Risk Youth

Larson, Mary J. -- New England Research Institutes, Inc.
E-Technology To Enhance Addiction Counselor Helping

Laruelle, Marc A. -- New York State Psychiatric Institute
PET Imaging of Serotonin Transmission In MDMA Users

Latimer, William W. -- Johns Hopkins University
Youth Drug Abuse Family and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Latkin, Carl A. -- Johns Hopkins University
RCT of Russian IDU Peer Network HIV Prevention Intervention

Latkin, Carl A. -- Johns Hopkins University
A Network & Dyad HIV Prevention Intervention For IDUs

Lee, Margaret T. -- Brandeis University
Adolescent Substance Abuse Performance Measures

Lejuez, Carl W. -- University of Maryland
Distress Tolerance and Early Smoking Lapse

Levine, Eric S. -- University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Dentistry
Cannabinoid Modulation of Cortical Synaptic Transmission

Liddle, Howard A. -- University of Miami
Training Clinicians In Empirically Based Family Therapy

Linehan, Marsha M. -- University of Washington
Evaluation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

London, Edythe D. -- University of California Los Angeles
Early Methamphetamine Abstinence: fMRI and Cognition

Lukas, Ronald J. -- St. Joseph's Hospital And Medical Center
Molecular Bases for Effects of Nicotine

Lyons, David M. -- Stanford University
Early Chronic Stress and Prefrontal Development

Mackinnon, David P. -- Arizona State University
Estimating Mediation Effects In Prevention Studies

Mackler, Scott A. -- University of Pennsylvania
Nac-1 A Cocaine Regulated mRNA In The Rat Brain

Mael, Fred A. -- American Institutes for Research
Organizational Culture & Quality of Drug Abuse Treatment

Malan, Thomas P. -- University of Arizona
Non-Addicting Cannabinoid Medications

Marmorstein, Naomi R. -- Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
Child Psychopathology and Risk for Drug Use Disorders

Martin, Catherine A. -- University of Kentucky
Modafinil and Nicotine In Adolescents: Phase I Trial

Marzilli, Thomas S. -- University of West Florida
The Influence of Nicotine on Fractionated Reaction Time

Mash, Deborah C. -- University of Miami
CNS Mechanisms In Cocaine Related Sudden Death

Massey, Catherine J. -- Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
Psychosocial Correlates of Smoking In College Students

Matuszewich, Leslie -- Northern Illinois University
Impact of Stress on Cocaine Withdrawal Behaviors

Mccallion, Philip -- State University of New York at Albany
Child Welfare, Drug Abuse and Intergenerational Risk

Mcfarland, Bentson H. -- Oregon Health & Science University
Standardized Patients As Drug Abuse Treatment Clients

Meredith, Gloria E. -- Finch University of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School
Mechanisms Underlying Reward-Related Synaptogenesis

Morikawa, Hitoshi -- University of Texas Austin
Calcium Signaling In the Reward Circuit & Drug Addiction

Morse, Gene D. -- State University of New York At Buffalo
TDM & Drug Interactions In HIV-infected Substance Abusers

Murphy, Sheigla B. -- Scientific Analysis Corporation
An Exploratory Study Of Ecstasy Distribution

Nemoto, Tooru -- University of California San Francisco
Drug Use and HIV Risk Behaviors Among Transgenders

Nestler, Eric J. -- University of Texas South West Medical Center, Dallas
Molecular Neurobiology of Drug Addiction

Nichols, Tracy R. -- Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Gender Differences In Preventing Adolescent Drug Use

Nyamathi, Adeline M. -- University of California Los Angeles
HBV Prevention For Homeless At-Risk For HBV/HCV/HIV

Ozechowski, Timothy J. -- Oregon Research Institute
Assessing Clinical Skills In Functional Family Therapy

Pasternak, Gavril W. -- Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research
Synthesis & Pharmacology of Novel Opiates and Systems

Patkar, Ashwin A. -- Thomas Jefferson University
Serotonin and Cocaine Dependence: Treatment Implications

Petry, Nancy M. -- University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Dentistry
Training Therapists To Administer Contingency Management

Pomerleau, Ovide F. -- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Candidate Genes for Smoking In Related and Unrelated Individuals

Poundstone, Katharine E. -- Johns Hopkins University
A Dynamic Multilevel Analysis of Substance Use and HIV

Pugatch, David -- Miriam Hospital
HIV Rapid Testing for Young Substance Users

Ramsey, Susan E. -- Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI
Preventing Depression In MMT Patients on Interferon

Rao, Yi -- Washington University
Signal Transduction In Axonal and Neuronal Guidance

Ring, Huijun Z. -- SRI International
Cytochrome P450 Polymorphism and Nicotine Metabolism

Rogers, Thomas J. -- Temple University
HIV Infection and Opioid-Induced Immunoregulation

Rohrbach, Louise A. -- University of Southern California
Diffusion of Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND)

Roy, Sabita -- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Mu Opioid Receptor and Immune Function

Rush, Craig R. -- University of Kentucky
Human Cocaine Discrimination

Sanna, Pietro P. -- Scripps Research Institute
Role of Proteoglycans In Cocaine Dependence

Santa Ana, Elizabeth J. -- State University of New York at Albany
Efficacy of Group Motivational Interviewing

Schoenbaum, Geoffrey M. -- University of Maryland Baltimore Professional School
Lasting Effects of Cocaine Use On Corticolimbic Funciton

Shaw, Susan J. -- Hispanic Health Council
Community Organizations In Syringe Exchange In Springfield, MA

Sherman, Steven J. -- Indiana University Bloomington
Social Psychological Factors In Teen and Adult Smoking

Sholomskas, Diane E. -- Applied Behavioral Research
Randomized Trial of Novel Approaches to CBT Training

Siegal, Harvey A. -- Wright State University
Reducing Barriers to Drug Abuse Treatment Services

Siegel, Karolynn -- Columbia University Health Sciences
HIV-Infected IDU Living With HCV Coinfection

Slesnick, Natasha --University of New Mexico Albuquerque
Treatment Outcome With Runaway Adolescents

Sofuoglu, Mehmet -- Yale University
Progestrone and the Effects of Nicotine

Sopori, Mohan -- Lovelace Biomedical & Environmental Research
Nicotine & Immunopathogenesis of Cryptococcal Meningitis

Spealman, Roger D. -- Harvard University School of Medicine
Nonhuman Primate Models Of Speedball Abuse

Stone, Laura S. -- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
G-Protein Coupled Receptor Oligomerization In The CNS

Surratt, Christopher K. -- Duquesne University
Dopamine Transporter Structure-Function Studies

Tomasi, Dardo -- Brookhaven Science Associates-Brookhaven National Laboratory
"Acoustic Interference on Attention In HIV Patients"

Undie, Ashiwel S. -- University of Maryland Baltimore Professional School
Signaling Mechanisms In Dopamine Receptor Synergism

Unger, Vinzenz M. -- Yale University
Tools for Membrane Protein Structure Determination

Varas-Diaz, Nelson -- University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
AIDS Stigma and Health Professionals In Puerto Rico

Velasquez, Mary M. -- University of Texas Health Sciences Center Houston
A Transtheoretical Model Group Therapy for Cocaine

Wald, Anna -- University of Washington
Treatment of Acute Hepatitis C In Injection Drug Users

Waldron, Holly B. -- Oregon Research Institute
Transitional Treatment for Adolescents In Family Therapy

Wechsberg, Wendee M. -- Research Triangle Institute
Woman Focused HIV Prevention With African-Americans

Weed, Michael R. -- Johns Hopkins University
Aids & Drug Abuse: Tremor and Motor Control In Macaques

Weisner, Constance M -- University of California San Francisco
Course of Problems In Adolescent Drug Treatment Intakes

Whistler, Jennifer L. -- Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center
G Protein Coupled Receptor Trafficking and Opiate Drugs

White, Tara L. -- Brown University
Imaging Individual Differences In Amphetamine Effects

Williams, Mark L. -- University of Texas Health Sciences Center Houston
Positive Choices Research Project

Wohl, David A. -- University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
HIV+ Prison Releases To Access To HIV Care and Services

Wong, Mamie M. -- Wested
Clients Who Seek On-Line Drug Treatment

Woods, James H. -- University of Michigan st Ann Arbor
Narcotic Drug and Opioid Peptide Basic Research Project

Wu, Ping -- Columbia University Health Sciences
PTSD and Substance Use/Abuse In Youth

Yamamoto, Bryan K. -- Boston University Medical Campus
Chronic Stress and MDMA Neurotoxicity

Yang, Xiaowei -- Bayessoft
Transition Model for Incomplete Longitudinal Binary Data

Zhan, Chang-Guo -- University of Kentucky
Redesign of Butyrylcholinesterase for Cocaine Metabolism

Ziedonis, Douglas M. -- Univ. of Med. and Dentistry,NJ-Robert Wood Johnson Med Sch
Treatment of Addiction To Nicotine In Schizophrenia

Zvolensky, Michael J. -- University of Vermont & State Agricultural College
Panic and Smoking Cessation


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