Department of Health and Human Services

Office of Inspector General -- AUDIT

"Review of the New York State Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act Title II Grant for the Period April 1, 2001 to May 31, 2002," (A-02-03-02008)

July 21, 2004

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The objective of this audit was to determine if the New York Department of Health (health department) met key service delivery performance goals and complied with program requirements governing non-Federal matching funds, previous year’s State expenditures for HIV-related activities, caps established for administrative, planning, and evaluation activities, involvement of the public in the CARE Act Title II planning process, and monitoring of sub-recipients.  We found the health department substantially met its service delivery performance goals in terms of the number of clients served and prescriptions provided; and complied with program requirements that we tested, including non-Federal matching funds, previous year’s expenditures, spending caps, public involvement; and the monitoring of sub-recipients.  Accordingly, we had no recommendations.

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