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Abstracts & Posters
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Abstract Submission
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ASM Education Department
1752 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

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© American Society
for Microbiology 2007

  Abstracts & Posters  



All sophomores, juniors, seniors, postbaccalaureate students, and graduate students in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, including mathematics, are invited to submit an abstract for the 2008 ABRCMS held on November 5 – 8 in Orlando, Florida.

All submitters must read the entire Call for Abstracts before submitting an abstract.

ABRCMS is an opportunity to present your research through a poster or oral presentation and expand your scientific and professional development knowledge through innovative sessions, as well as networking opportunities. Participants also learn about graduate schools, summer research opportunities, and postdoctoral fellowships by participating in the exhibits program encompassing over 250 representatives.

New This Year!

Senior-level doctoral graduate students (completed preliminary exams/course work), if accepted, will present their poster presentation in a separate postdoctoral fellowship recruitment hall. This hall will host both poster presentations and exhibitors promoting their postdoctoral opportunities.

In 2007, over 1,000 students presented their innovative research in ten diverse scientific disciplines throughout the four day conference, with eighty-four undergraduate students being recognized at the closing banquet for their outstanding presentations. At the 2008 conference, we can accomadate 1,100 poster presentations and 76 oral presentations.


Abstract Submission Site is closed. Notification letters will be emailed on September 26, 2008.

Abstract Submission Deadline: September 5, 2008

11:59 pm, Pacific Standard Time



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