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Welcome to Kentucky Adult Education

Kentucky Adult Education has always been about the future – a fact that was never more true than now.  For all Kentuckians to prosper, every citizen must be prepared to perform well in the workforce, the community and the home.

Experts tell us that the vast majority of future jobs will require some postsecondary education.  But Kentucky is far from ready for this reality – nearly a million Kentucky adults function at low literacy levels and 18 percent of Kentuckians age 25 and older do not have a high school credential.

The bottom line is simple. If Kentuckians get a good education:

  • They can compete for good jobs.
  • They can make enough money to support their families.
  • Their children are more likely to succeed in school and beyond.
  • The Commonwealth can make a compelling case for companies opening or expanding their businesses in Kentucky. 

Thank you for visiting our Web site.  Please explore this robust site for much more information about the exciting innovations in Kentucky Adult Education.


Last Updated 9/18/2008
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