Title 31--Money and Finance: Treasury


TEXT PDF1.1 General.
TEXT PDF1.2 Information made available.
TEXT PDF1.3 Publication in the Federal Register.
TEXT PDF1.4 Public inspection and copying.
TEXT PDF1.5 Specific requests for other records.
TEXT PDF1.6 Business information.
TEXT PDF1.7 Fees for services.
TEXT PDF1.8 Scope.
TEXT PDF1.9 Records not to be otherwise withdrawn or disclosed.
TEXT PDF1.10 Oral information.
TEXT PDF1.11 Testimony or the production of records in a court or other proceeding.
TEXT PDF1.12 Regulations not applicable to official request.
TEXT PDF1.20 Purpose and scope of regulations.
TEXT PDF1.21 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.22 Requirements relating to systems of records.
TEXT PDF1.23 Publication in the Federal Register--Notices of systems of records, general exemptions, specific exemptions, review of all systems.
TEXT PDF1.24 Disclosure of records to person other than the individual to whom they pertain.
TEXT PDF1.25 Accounting of disclosures.
TEXT PDF1.26 Procedures for notification and access to records pertaining to individuals--format and fees for request for access.
TEXT PDF1.27 Procedures for amendment of records pertaining to individuals--format, agency review and appeal from initial adverse agency determination.
TEXT PDF1.28 Training, rules of conduct, penalties for non-compliance.
TEXT PDF1.29 Records transferred to Federal Records Center or National Archives of the United States.
TEXT PDF1.30 Application to system of records maintained by Government contractors.
TEXT PDF1.31 Sale or rental of mailing lists.
TEXT PDF1.32 Use and disclosure of social security numbers.
TEXT PDF1.34 Guardianship.
TEXT PDF1.35 Information forms.
TEXT PDF1.36 Systems exempt in whole or in part from provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a and this part.

