For Immediate Release: November 10, 1998
CONTACT: Sallianne Fortunato (202) 482-7002

***** MEDIA ADVISORY *****

WASHINGTON, DC -- The Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will host a two-day conference titled "1998 Networks for People: Society and Information Infrastructure -- The Next Generation" on December 8-9, 1998 in Washington, DC. The conference is open to the public and is free. People who are interested in the use of technology to improve their lives and strengthen our communities should attend. For more information, please call NTIA's Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program (TIIAP) at 202-482-2048 or visit NTIA's website at The website includes information on the conference, an agenda, and online registration.

WHAT: Leaders in using advanced telecommunications technologies to enhance lifelong learning, health, public safety, public services, and community networking will gather to explore common challenges and to share solutions.

WHO: Assistant Secretary of Commerce Larry Irving and Dr. Bernadette McGuire-Rivera, Associate Administrator, NTIA's Office of Telecommunications and Information Applications, will be joined by practitioners, foundation and association representatives, academic scholars, community leaders, infrastructure providers and other leaders in the implementation of network-based projects.

WHEN: Tues., December 8 - Wed., December 9

WHERE: The Capital Hilton
16th & K Streets, NW
Washington, DC 20036

BACKGROUND: Since 1994, NTIA's TIIAP program has awarded grants annually for projects which advance the use of network technologies in the areas of education, lifelong learning, health, public safety, community networking, and public services. This important conference is designed to share knowledge gleaned from TIIAP projects that have been funded across the nation. The conference agenda will focus on the range of approaches and strategies for using information infrastructure to enhance services in the public and nonprofit sectors.
