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Technical Editorial Board:
  • Editor:
    • Ken Stevanus, OSHA Directorate of Standards and Guidance, OSHA Office of Engineering Safety; Washington, DC
  • Alliance Members:
    • Tom Brown, Director of Occupational Safety & Health, Acme Brick Company, Brick Industry Association (BIA); Ft. Worth, TX
    • Warren K. Brown, CSP, ARM, CSHM, Dmax, Ltd., American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), National Safety Council (NSC); Moraine, OH
    • Joe Casper, Brick Industry Association (BIA); Reston, VA
    • Dennis Cloutier, Cloutier Consulting Services (CCS), National Safety Council (NSC); Cincinnati, OH
    • Don Eshelby, Retired Trade and Industry Supervisor, State of Idaho Division of Professional Technical Education, SkillsUSA; Boise, ID
    • Gary Hutter, PE, CSP, Meridian Engineering & Technology, Inc., National Safety Council (NSC); Glenview, IL
    • George Layne, Director of Training Services, Forging Industry Association (FIA); Cleveland, OH
    • Joe Lazzara, Scientific Technologies, Inc., Association for High Technology Distribution (AHTD); Fremont, CA
    • James Norton, Gibson Engineering Co., Inc., Association for High Technology Distribution (AHTD); Norwood, MA
    • Mike Patterson, Regional Safety and Health Manager, Boral Bricks Inc., Brick Industry Association (BIA); Pelham, AL
    • John Pirner, Power/Mation, Association for High Technology Distribution (AHTD); St. Paul, MN
    • John Thompson, Dittman & Greer, Inc., Association for High Technology Distribution (AHTD); Middletown, CT
  • Other Member:
    • David A. Felinski, Association for Manufacturing Technology; McLean, VA
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Washington, DC 20210
Page last updated: 09/16/2008