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Ginnie Mae MBS Disclosure Initiative Phase I Data Elements

I. Quartile Information (at issuance and quarterly):

Max (4th Quartile) 6.75 350 12 360 200,000
75% (3rd Quartile) 6.69 349 12 360 150,000
50% (2nd Quartile) 6.54 348 11 360 120,000
25% (1st Quartile) 6.50 347 10 360 90,000
Min (0th Quartile) 6.45 310 10 360 60,000

II. Geographic Information (at issuance; already disclosed quarterly):

State UPB % UPB # of Loans % of Loans
CA 925,709 40.00 9 40.91
FL 725,210 31.34 7 31.82
TX 663,353 28.66 6 27.27

III. Year of Origination Information (at issuance and quarterly):

Year UPB % UPB # of Loans % of Loans
2003 1,973,204 85.26 19 86.36
2002 341,068 14.74 3 13.64

IV. Issuer Information for Multi-issuer Pools (at issuance and quarterly):

Issuer # of Loans $ UPB % UPB
ABCD 12 1,416,797 61.22
WXYZ 9 879,655 38.01
Other 1 17,820 0.77

V. Original Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio (quarterly):

Weighted-average 96%
Maximum (4th Quartile) 100%
75th percentile (3rd Quartile) 98%
50th percentile (2nd Quartile) 96%
25th percentile (1st Quartile) 90%
Minimum (0th Quartile) 50%

  # of Loans $ UPB % UPB
Unknown/Not Available 30 285,350 12.33

VI. Loan Purpose (quarterly):

  # of Loans $ UPB % UPB
Purchase 125 1,159,219 50.09
Refinance 55 692,199 29.91
Unknown/Not Available 40 462,854 20.00

VII. Property Type (quarterly):

  # of Loans $ UPB % UPB
1 Unit (# of loans/% UPB) 140 1,322,375 57.14
2-4 Unit (# of loans/% UPB) 40 439,943 19.01
Unknown/Not Available 40 551, 954 23.85

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