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Air Travel Consumer Reports for 2004

The Air Travel Consumer Report is a monthly product of the Department of Transportation's Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings. The report is designed to assist consumers with information on the quality of services provided by the airlines. This page was last updated on December 2, 2004, and the most recent data is from October 2004.

The report is divided into four sections. These sections deal with flight delays, mishandled baggage, oversales and consumer complaints. Each section of the report is preceded by a brief explanation of how to read and understand the information provided.

The report is usually issued during the first week of each month. Oversales are reported quarterly rather than monthly, and oversales figures may be slightly older than the other data in certain months. The report, which contains tables of information, is best printed in "landscape" orientation.

Additional air travel data can be found on the BTS website.

Reports Issued in 2004

To see the PDF version of the reports you will need the Adobe Acrobat reader. Click the icon to download it for free. Click here to Download Adobe Acrobat Reader.  


December 2004 Report
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Flight Delays: October 2004 / 12 Months Ending October 2004
Mishandled Baggage October 2004
Oversales: 3rd Quarter 2004 / January - September 2004
Consumer Complaints: October 2004
November 2004 Report
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Flight Delays: September 2004 / 12 Months Ending September 2004
Mishandled Baggage September 2004 / January - September 2004
Oversales: 3rd Quarter 2004 / January - September 2004
Consumer Complaints: September 2004 / January - September 2004
October 2004 Report
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Flight Delays: August 2004 / 12 Months Ending August 2004
Mishandled Baggage: August 2004
Oversales: 2nd Quarter 2004 / January - June 2004
Consumer Complaints: August 2004
September 2004 Report
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Flight Delays: July 2004 / 12 Months Ending July 2004
Mishandled Baggage: July 2004
Oversales: 2nd Quarter 2004 / January - June 2004
Consumer Complaints: July 2004
August 2004 Report
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Flight Delays: June 2004 / 12 Months Ending June 2004
Mishandled Baggage: June 2004 / January - June 2004
Oversales: 2nd Quarter 2004 / January - June 2004
Consumer Complaints: June 2004 / January - June 2004
July 2004 Report
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Flight Delays: May 2004 / 12 Months Ending May 2004
Mishandled Baggage: May 2004
Oversales: 1st Quarter 2004
Consumer Complaints: May 2004
June 2004 Report
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Flight Delays: Apr 2004 / 12 Months Ending Apr 2004
Mishandled Baggage: Apr 2004
Oversales: 1st Quarter 2004
Consumer Complaints: Apr 2004
May 2004 Report
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Flight Delays: Mar 2004 / 12 Months Ending Mar 2004
Mishandled Baggage: Mar 2004 / Jan - Mar 2004
Oversales: 1st Quarter 2004
Consumer Complaints: Mar 2004 / Jan - Mar 2004
April 2004 Report
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Flight Delays: Feb 2004 / 12 Months Ending Feb 2004
Mishandled Baggage: Feb 2004
Oversales: 4th Quarter 2003 / Jan - Dec 2003
Consumer Complaints: Feb 2004
March 2004 Report
PDF Version   |   MS Word Version
Flight Delays: Jan 2004 / 12 Months Ending Jan 2004
Mishandled Baggage: Jan 2004
Oversales: 4th Quarter 2003 / Jan - Dec 2003
Consumer Complaints: Jan 2004
February 2004 Report
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Flight Delays: Dec 2003 / 12 Months Ending Dec 2003
Mishandled Baggage: Dec 2003 / Jan - Dec 2003
Oversales: 4th Quarter 2003 / Jan - Dec 2003
Consumer Complaints: Dec 2003 / Jan - Dec 2003
January 2004 Report
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Flight Delays: Nov 2003 / 12 Months Ending Nov 2003
Mishandled Baggage: Nov 2003
Oversales: 3rd Quarter 2003 / Jan - Sep 2003
Consumer Complaints: Nov 2003

Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings
U.S. Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20590