Where you can find a pick-your-own farm near you!
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This month's notes: January 2009: There's still lots to do! You can still make some great home canned jams, jellies, sauces and salsa from frozen fruit. Check out my easy canning instructions/recipes, canning equipment guide! With fresh cranberries, it's time to make homemade cranberry sauce (even jellied cranberry sauce), use fresh oranges to make orange marmalade! Also make your own ice cream - see How to make ice cream and ice cream making equipment and manuals
Please tell the farms you found them here - and ask them to update their information!!!

***Don't know where to begin? Try the purple button above!  Or select one of the green, orange or blue buttons that best match your needs!  Below on this page is a partial table of contents.  Journalists looking for information for an agri-entertainment story will find this page useful.

State by state listings of PYO farms
(Other countries further down this page)
Alabama ] [ Alaska ] [ Arkansas ] [ Arizona ] [ California ] [ Colorado ] [ Connecticut ] [ Delaware ] [ Florida ] [ Georgia ] [ Hawaii ] [ Idaho ] [ Illinois ] [ Indiana ] [ Iowa ] [ Kansas ] [ Kentucky ] [ Louisiana ] [ Maine ] [ Maryland ] [ Massachusetts ] [ Michigan ] [ Minnesota ] [ Mississippi ] [ Missouri ] [Montana] [Nebraska] [ New Hampshire ] [ New Jersey ] [ New Mexico ] [ New York ] [ North Carolina ] [ North Dakota ] [ Nevada ] [ Ohio ] [ Oklahoma ] [ Oregon ] [ Pennsylvania ] [ Rhode Island ] [ South Carolina ] [ South Dakota ] [ Tennessee ] [ Texas ] [ Utah ] [ Vermont ] [ Virginia ] [ Washington state ] [ West Virginia ] [ Wisconsin ]  [ Wyoming ]

PYO Farms Outside the U.S.

Australia ] [ Canada ] [Italy] [Japan] [ South Africa ] [ New Zealand ] [ United Kingdom ] [ Adding a Farm outside of North America ] Looking for pick your own farms in other countries? Living in another country, such as France, Italy (Italia), Germany (Deutschland), Nederlands, or Sweden?  Help me compile a list for your country -  just write me!

Picking Tips

[General picking tips and a guide to each fruit and vegetable] [How much do I need to pick? (Yields - how much raw makes how much cooked or frozen)] [Selecting the right varieties to pick] [All about apple varieties - which to pick and why!]  [Picking tips for Vegetables] [ Strawberry picking tips] [ Blueberries picking tips]

Want to make a donation?

PickYourOwn.org does not charge either farmers or consumers!  I do all of the programming, web design and updates myself.  If you'd like to make a donation to help me pay to keep the website going, please make a donation to me at Benivia through our secure donation processor.  Just click the button below and follow the instructions:

Illustrated Canning, Freezing, Jam Instructions and Recipes

All About Home Canning, Freezing and Making Jams, Pickles, Sauces, etc. ] [FAQs - Answers to common questions and problems] [Recommended books about home canning, jam making, drying and preserving!] [Free canning publications to download and print]

Easy Preserving Directions - How to...

Weather in Your Local Area!

To check the weather in your area or at the farm, just enter the zip code OR the city and state (like: "City, ST" (without the quotes!); example: Atlanta,GA) below and press Go:

This will open a new window. Just close it when you are done, and you will return here!

Other Related Resources and Information

[Journalists looking for media resources, see this page for facts, figures and answers to common questions for a tv, newspaper or magazine story about pick your own farms and activities]

 [ What does organic mean? ]  [ U.S. Crop seasons ] [Resources for Farmers] [ How to Start a Pick-Your-Own Farm Operation ] [Farmers: If you'd like to advertise or have your own web page(s), click here! ] [About us!]  [ Website news ]  [Disclaimer] [ Unusual Fruits ] [A Brief History of the Home Canning Jar: From Mason to Kerr to Ball and More]
[Related Links pages]

Other Festivals and Events

Where to find "pick your own" farms in 2009

This is the one web site that lists all of the known pick your own fruit and vegetable farms in almost every state in the U.S. and 5 other countries, as well!  I'm adding and verifying farms as fast as I can, but it is  a slow process to locate farms and confirm their information, so by all means email me the information about any good pick-your-own farms in your area!  If you have any to add or corrections please let me know! If you have questions, write me via the feedback form.   Also help me rate the farms!  

Why pick your own?

The quality is much better than any store or farm stand, when you choose the fruit and get it right from the plant. It looks and tastes better.   The produce is healthier, too, because it is fresher and you can choose organically grown farms.  The costs are usually substantially less; the farmer doesn't need to pay labor to pick, and he has no packaging or shipping costs. If you plan to can or preserve any jam, fruit or vegetables, this is the best way to get the quantity, quality and price you want. And finally, it's fun: families and couples like to do it to get outside, get some activity and spend time together.  Kids love it!

What can you pick? 

These p-y-o farms offer mostly fruit, vegetables, pumpkins and Christmas trees.  Most common are apples, pumpkins, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, peaches, figs and tomatoes, but you can always find some interesting other fruits and vegetables, too. There are a number of Christmas tree farms listed, too, where you can go select and cut (or have cut) your own x-mas tree.

How to find a farm or orchard?

If you are looking for a pyo (pick-your-own) farm, click on the links for your state at the top of the page (or here)  or just use the search engine!  And let me know of any farms I haven't listed, or any farms in states I haven't yet added, and I will create pages for them.

Other Tips?

Be SURE to call before you go.  I never go to a farm, if I can't get through on the phone.  Crops don't ripen according to a precise schedule, so if they are not ripe, the farm won't be open. And some of these farmers are not the world's best business men, so they may keep erratic hours or close unexpectedly, or just not answer their phone.  For more tips, such as what to wear and how to plan ahead, click here!  And be sure to check the weather information at the bottom of this page, and on each state's page!


Home Canning Kits


* All the tools you need for hot waterbath canning - in one comprehensive set!
* Complete with 21 1/2 qt. enameled waterbath canner and "Ball Blue Book" of canning.
* Also includes canning rack, funnel, jar lifter, jar wrencher, bubble freer, tongs and lid lifter.
* A Kitchen Krafts exclusive collection.

This is the same type of  standard canner that my grandmother used to make everything from applesauce to jams and jellies to tomato and spaghetti sauce!. This complete kit includes everything you need and lasts for years: the canner, jar rack, jar grabber tongs, lid lifting wand, a plastic funnel, labels, bubble freer, and the bible of canning, the Ball Blue Book. It's much cheaper than buying the items separately. You'll never need anything else except jars and lids (and the jars are reusable). To see more canners, of different styles, makes and prices, click here!

* All the tools you need for hot waterbath canning - in one comprehensive set!
* Complete with 21 1/2 qt. enameled waterbath canner and "Ball Blue Book" of canning.
* Also includes canning rack, funnel, jar lifter, jar wrencher, bubble freer, tongs and lid lifter.
* A Kitchen Krafts exclusive collection. 

Click here for a larger photo, more information, pricing, ordering, etc.

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

If you own or operate a farm or orchard; or want to recommend a farm you've visited, click here to add it!
Questions, corrections, suggestions or want to recommend a farm to add? Write me at  

Farmers - to add your farm, see this page for directions: http://www.pickyourown.org/addyourfarm.htm 

Farmers: If you'd like to advertise or have your own webpages, click here!


Current and Forecast Weather Maps from www.wunderground.com 

US Satellite Map

. Weather Map



US Temperature Map

  Weather Map



US Ultraviolet Light (UV) Map

Weather Map

US Sunlight Visual Satelight Map




Other useful weather maps from Weather.com:

Remember to ALWAYS call the farm or orchard BEFORE you go - weather, heavy picking and business conditions can always affect their hours and crops!

PYO Farms in Other Countries: [ Australia ] [ Canada ] [ South Africa ] [ New Zealand ] [ United Kingdom ]

Our other free, informative sites you may like:

Questions, comments, corrections and suggestions or want to recommend a farm to add? 
Or write me at 

All images and text  Copyright ©
Benivia, LLC 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 All rights reserved.    Disclaimer
Permission is given to link to any page on www.pickyourown.org 

Looking for jobs on farms?

Farmers: If you'd like to advertise or have your own web page(s), click here!