For Immediate Release
Friday, January 14, 2000
Contact: Ranjit de Silva
(202) 482-7002
Art Brodsky


WASHINGTON-Gregory L. Rohde, Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, will hold a briefing for interested parties on the priorities, goals and process involved in the Commerce Department's Technology Opportunities Program (TOP) (formally known as TIIAP).

WHEN: January 19, 2000

TIME: 2:30 P.M. (Please note time change)

WHERE: Room 4830
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th & Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20230

Note: The briefing is open to press. Please note that in order to be admitted to the Commerce Department building, attendees will need to RSVP by contacting the TOP office with names and telephone numbers. TOP office can be reached at Tel: (202) 482-2048, Fax: (202) 501-5136.


Please use the main entrance on 14th street, between Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenues.
