NTIA Press Releases
For Immediate Release
October 20, 2000
Contact: Ranjit de Silva
(202) 482-7002
Art Brodsky
(202) 482-0019

WASHINGTON-Gregory L. Rohde, Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, welcomed the final report of the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) Commission, saying that the report provides the Administration and the Congress with thoughtful recommendations to guide policy development to make going online a safe experience for children.

Rohde said "the Commissioners deserve high praise and recognition for writing a well-balanced and thoughtful report to Congress." The Commission was composed of a very divergent group of experts and Chairman Telage should be commended for his leadership in moving the group toward a consensus under a tight deadline and difficult circumstances. 

"Protecting children from exposure to inappropriate material or from unwanted solicitations is a top priority," Rohde said. "This report will be a useful tool for the Congress and the Administration to address this important issue."

Many of the Commission's recommendations are consistent with many of the Clinton-Gore Administration's long standing positions that protect our nation's children online through parental empowerment. The Administration believes that empowering parents, teachers, and librarians with a wide range of tools with which they can protect children in their communities in a manner consistent with their community values is the most effective approach and one that is compatible with the First Amendment.

Note: Assistant Secretary Rohde served as an ex officio member of the Commission.

The Commission today released to Congress its report which sets out specific recommendations on how to protect children from inappropriate content online. As part of the Child Online Protection Act, the 19-member Commission was tasked with studying technologies and methodologies to reduce a minor's access to harmful material on the Internet and report its finding to Congress by Oct. 21, 2000. 

The report is on the COPA commission's web site: www.copacommission.org.
