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Yvonne A. Clearwater, Ph.D.

photo of yvonne clearwater



NASA Project Manager and Principal Investigator

Special Projects Office

Strategic Communications and Development

NASA Ames Research Center


NASA Experience

Project Manager, NASA American Student Moon Orbiter (ASMO) (2007 – )

  • In her current role as the NASA Project Manager for the American Student Moon Orbiter (ASMO),Dr. Clearwater is providing innovative leadership on a unique student-driven lunar exploration small spacecraft mission intended as NASA’s broadest and most significant collaborative engineering educational venture to date.   
  • As a ground-breaking international NASA Participatory Exploration venture, the ASMO mission project will offer American university students unprecedented hands-on involvement in the U.S. space exploration program and opportunities to collaborate with students across Europe via coordination with the European Space Agency (ESA).
  • ASMO also constitutes the first ever student-level NASA-ESA joint space mission
  • (See: http://asmo.arc.nasa.gov/ )

NASA Technology Education Leadership
(2004 – 2006)

  • Designed, developed and served as Project Manager of the NASA Robotics Curriculum Clearinghouse, a popular online resource for (K-12) educators. Consistently Google ranked the #1 website (out of ~5 million sites) for 24+ consecutive months. Highly favorably reviewed in the IEEE Robotics and Automation magazine June 2006.
  • http://robotics.nasa.gov/rcc/     (Site now inactive but still viewable)
  • Initiated and launched the NASA RAP- GiRL project (Robotics Alliance Project - Girls in Robotics Learning) to encourage involvement by young women in competitive robotics and science, math and technology education via focused pipeline mentoring, hands-on workshops, robotics camps, and hands-on student technology demonstrations.
  • Served as a member of a national US-FIRST advisory panel, collaborator with educators nationwide, a mentor to robotics student competitors, and judge in numerous capacities for robotics events and student publication contests.

NASA Science and Technology Communications Leadership (1994 – 2003)

  • Built and lead a NASA Science and Technology Outreach and Communications production team of nine in-house creative staff in producing client-centered video, television programming, animation, trade show booths, visitor center and traveling public exhibits, live technology demonstrations, presentations and ad campaigns.
  • Served ten years in elected positions with the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NorCal Chapter) including Vice President, member of the Board of Governors, and Publicity & Promotion Chair.  Frequent Emmy Awards judge.
  • Co-produced science and technology educational television programming with PBS including two nationally broadcast PBS documentaries

NASA Space Architecture Research and Leadership (1984 – 1993)

  • Founded and led the award winning NASA International Space Station (ISS) Space Habitability Research Program, conducting in-depth multidisciplinary environmental design research and development (1984 – 1993).
  • Received the American Society of Interior Design National Human Environment Award for “significant contributions to the quality of life,” July 1989.
  • Collaborated with the European Space Agency to create a spin-off, collaborative European Space Habitability Research Program.
  • Conducted human factors concept studies on diverse multi-disciplinary teams toward design and mission planning for both Mars and Lunar habitats.
  • Served as recognized international authority and public spokesperson for space human factors and larger issues of humans living and working in space.
  • Served as test-bed development manager, and government-industry liaison.

Pre-NASA: Architectural Design Research Experience (1973 – 1983)

Deputy Chief of Architecture: Bechtel International, World HQ, San Francisco

  • Conducted collaborative, participatory design research and master planning on multidisciplinary teams for human performance optimization on major international architectural projects.
  • Executed strategic internal and client communications, and new business development.

Project Manager: The Ehrenkrantz Group, Architects/Planners, New York

  • Conducted in-depth US Airforce architectural programming and user research studies toward design of the MX-NewTown, a new form of military base, population 45,000. Interviewed personnel in SAC, MAC and TAC commands. Briefed military officials including four-star generals and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Design Research Specialist: DMJM Architects & Planners, Los Angeles

  • Innovated new methods in participatory design problem solving, designer-client communications, and design evaluation. Conducted large client and user surveys toward design of new, human-centered, energy efficient facilities. Served as representative and spokesperson to state legislative bodies and public groups.

Education & Training

Ph.D. in Psychology: 1979

University of California, Davis. Focus on Environmental Psychology, Architectural Design Research and Communications. Architectural design training.

BA in Psychology: 1973   

California State University, Long Beach. Summa Cum Laude and Phi Kappa Phi.

Life-Long Learning:   

Advanced industry and university training spanning project management, design, media production, broadcast & communications.


Archive of chats with Dr. Clearwater:


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