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Tahani R. Amer

photo of tahani amer Hi Everyone! My name is Tahani R. Amer and I am an Aerospace engineer at the NASA Langley Research Center. I work in the Aerodynamic Measurement Branch, in the area of developing instruments and sensors that measure the parameters needed to design new airplanes.

I started my college education by going to medical school in Cairo, Egypt; but I changed my major to engineering before even starting school due to getting married at age 17 and moving to the United States. I obtained a two-year associate degree in Science and at the same time I had two lovely children. I went back to school to finish my mechanical engineering degree. In 1992, I received my B.S. I then decided to obtain a masters degree in engineering by going to school part time while working and raising my family. It was very difficult. Therefore, I quit working and went to school full time. I obtained my M.S. and I had my third child. I am still taking courses, as a part-time student, to purse a doctorate degree in engineering.

I started working at NASA-Langley in 1992 during my senior year at college. I worked on my senior project in the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) area. By working on this project, I gained valuable experience and I fulfilled my dream to work with scientists and researchers in solving real life problems. It was a real privilege to work with state-of-the-art technology and with researchers who love their work. In 1994, while I was a graduate student, I started working again at NASA Langley in a wind tunnel on an experiment for my master's thesis. It was a valuable experience from both a theoretical and practical point of view. I experienced the excitement of working with large CFD computer codes. I also did such things as climbing up the ceiling of wind tunnel to install a velocity probe. It was great!!!

Since the fall of 1994, after completing the experimental work needed for my thesis, I have been working as an Aerospace Engineer in the Aerodynamic Measurement Branch of the Experimental Testing Technology Division. I have done a variety of tasks in both the pressure and thermal measurement area. At present, I am developing a system to measure the thermal conductivity of a thin film. This measurement is used in the thermal modeling of several techniques for determining boundary layer transition location on models being tested in wind tunnels. Working at NASA is never boring!!!

Math was and is my favorite subject. I always try to find new methods to solve my work problems by using math models. I remember when I came to the U.S.A in 1983 and took my first calculus class. Although I could not speak a word in English, I made an A in the course. Then, I knew that an engineering career might not be too bad for me.

Outside of NASA, I am a very busy person. Having four kids and being involved in our Muslim activities keeps every minute occupied. The older kids are involved in swimming lessons and soccer games. The younger kids are involved in Barney books and potty training. When I get a free hour, I work out at the gym with my girl friends. Life is full of excitement and love, if you search for it!!!

I try to help in community service through NASA program, such as "Day of Caring", and Engineering Week. I am also involved in our mosque programs teaching Islamic rules and Arabic to young children.

My Advice: Look at this Picture ...

  • Married at 17 years of age
  • Different culture and language
  • Four children
  • B. S and M. S in Engineering
  • Exciting career at NASA


Archived QuestChats October 21, 1999


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