I'd like to know where you went to college and what you got your degree in? I did my undergraduate work at Syracuse University in New York since I grew up in New Jersey this was a nearby school. I did my Master's degree at University of Southern California. I got my Bachelor's and Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering. What's the difference in aeronautical and aerospace engineering? I don't think there's too much of a difference in the curricula between aeronautical and aerospace engineering. Technically, you should be studying about airplanes in an aeronautical degree and studying about airplanes and space vehicles in an aerospace degree. But many schools combine the two disciplines and depending on the school there may not be much of a difference. ********** What was your first job? I had a lot of part-time jobs while I was going to school. But my first real job after graduating from college was with NASA at Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California. I always wanted to work for NASA. It was always my goal and that's why I studied Aerospace Engineering so I can design new air and space vehicles. So for me this was a dream come true. What did you do at that job? I was hired on to do research in the Aerodynamics Department at Dryden Flight Research Center. They do a lot of flight research there. So my first job was to help out with an experiment that was flown on a F104 fighter. The objective of the experiment was to improve aerodynamic efficiency at supersonic speeds. In total, I was at NASA-Dryden for 5.5 years. While I was there, I worked on a number of different experiments. From fighter airplanes to the space shuttle, I did a lot of flight testing and researc h. ********** Cool! What was your favorite subject as a kid? Well, I had a lot of good subjects. But I always loved Math. I was always really good with numbers and always did really well in my Math classes. What grade are you in and what are your favorite subjects? My favorite subjects are physics and flight. I am in fourth grade. I am homeschooled. ********** Cool. That sounds really good. I like studying flight, too. I'm a private pilot, ya know. It's a lot of fun to fly. Yes, where do you practice flying? I work at Moffett Field. So I do some flying just around this area. I like to fly to the ocean and over the mountains. What does it feel like to fly? Aren't you scared sometimes? Well, I'm a bit of a daredevil. I like speed and danger. I've also taken some skydiving classes. Flying isn't as scary as jumping out of a plane but it's a different kind of thrill. It's a great feeling to be in control of your own airplane and a great th rill to land it. Flying over the ocean sounds neat! How long have you been flying at Moffett Feild for and how long did you go to flying school for? I've only lived here for 1.5 years. I used to work at NASA-Dryden at Edwards AFB in Southern California. I learned how to fly there for fun. So I've been flying for about 4 years. And I've been working as an Aerospace Engineer for 7.5 years now. It takes about 40 to 60 hours of flying before you can get your private pilot's license. I trained in a Cessna 152 and usually fly now a Cessna 172. In addition to flight training, you also have to go to ground school for a few months and then pass a written exam. At Edwards Air Force Base they have a small ground school there for private pilots. They also have a fighter pilot's school there, too. It was great fun working there since I got to see all those other fighter planes, too. You see, I can only fly those r eally small planes, like the Cessna 172. Have you ever been in a plane crash? No, I'm fortunate to never have been in a plane crash. I always try to be pretty safe when I fly. When I say I'm a daredevil, I don't mean I try to put myself in a dangerous situation. I just like doing risky things like flying and skydiving. How did you get into flying? I just always loved airplanes and space flight, too. That's why I studied Aerospace Engineering. While in college, I learned all about how airplanes and space vehicles fly. We learn all about the physics of flight and ways to design airplanes. I also want ed to learn to fly them. I just love it. Do you usally fly by yourself or with how many people? The planes I fly normally only hold about 4 people max. So I sometimes go out alone or on a long trip take a friend or two. ********** Was it hard to go to graduate school in such a demanding field? My brother and SIL are both at U of Alabama in graduate school studying physics. While they both like it, she is finding it very difficult.. YES. Aerospace Engineering is a pretty tough field. I think any physics-related field is going to be pretty tough. But I think my undergraduate classes were the toughest. Once you get over the transition from high school to college, classes get a little e asier and you learn how to study more effectively. By the time I was in graduate school, it was less stressful but the professors always like to make you sweat. You just have to be patient and not give up. ********** Do most of your projects work? No, not all of our projects work. When we do tests and experiments, we don't know for sure what the answers are going to be. So we may try something and it doesn't work but we try again until we make it work. Bye now. ********* Where is moftfet feild? Moffett Field is a Naval Base out here in Mountain View. I'm really close to Sunnyvale, Santa Clara and San Jose. Bye nice talking to you! Yes. It's been fun. Thanks!! Bye!!