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Women of NASA QuestChat Archive

Date: October 13, 1998

Featuring: Kim Hubbard

Computer Engineer
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 0 - 08:08:02 ]
Good morning everyone!

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 3 - 08:09:19 ]
Welcome to today's Women of NASA chat with Kim Hubbard from NASA Ames Research Center.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 5 - 08:11:09 ]
As a reminder, read Kim's profile at http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/women/bios/kh.html before posting questions to the chat room.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 6 - 08:12:33 ]
At the conclusion of today's chat, we ask that you let us know what you thought about it. You may use our online feedback forms at http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/qchats/qchat-surveys to do so.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 11 - 08:16:27 ]
Today's chat will be moderated. This means only a few questions will be posted to the chat room at a time. Don't worry if your questions don't appear on the screen immediately. We will post new questions as Kim answers those ahead of you.

[ KimHubbard - 2 - 08:09:19 ]
Good Morning. I'm Kim Hubbard and I'm ready to start when anyone else is!

[ KimHubbard - 13 - 08:19:10 ]
RE: [CookesScienceClasses] We are interested in telerobotic. We would like to know more about it?
Actually, I'm not an expert in telerobotics at all. However it has something to do with controlling robots via remote control. The robot being controlled isn't necessarily at the same location as the person who's controlling it.

[ KimHubbard - 15 - 08:20:24 ]
RE: [CookesScienceClasses] What is your favorite planet?
I guess Earth is my favorite planet. It's the one I'm most familiar with and there are always so many interesting things I'd still like to learn about it.

[ KimHubbard - 18 - 08:21:54 ]
RE: [CookesScienceClasses] Why did you become interested in computer science?
I became interested in computer science after taking some programming classes. I just thought it was lot of fun and like solving puzzles.

[ KimHubbard - 19 - 08:22:13 ]
RE: [Bob] Hello Ms. Hubbard Rancho Aviation is signing-on. Good morning.
Hi and Good Morning !

[ KimHubbard - 21 - 08:23:50 ]
RE: [CookesScienceClasses] What high school and college did you attend?
I grew up in St.Louis, MO. I atended both high school and college there. My high school was called Villa Duchesne and for college I attended Washington University.

[ KimHubbard - 23 - 08:25:12 ]
RE: [AnthonyLorena] Hi!! Our group is just logging on!! We want to know if you like sports?
Yes, I like sports. I like to do aerobics and strength training. I used to play a little soccer. I ran track for on year in college. I like to watch tennis, baseball, and soccer.

[ KimHubbard - 24 - 08:25:55 ]
RE: [CookesScienceClasses] Where were you born and when is your birthday?
I was born in St. Louis , Mo and my birthday in January.

[ KimHubbard - 27 - 08:28:03 ]
RE: [CookesScienceClasses] Can we be like you some day?
Well, it depends on what you want to do and be. My advice to to do something you enjoy and believe in.

[ KimHubbard - 28 - 08:29:09 ]
RE: [CookesScienceClasses] Do you like your job?
Yes, I do. I always get the opportunity to learn something new and interesting.

[ KimHubbard - 33 - 08:33:08 ]
RE: [Shannon] How did the Air Force help you with your previous job?
Well, first of all, they paid for my college tuition since I had a AirForce ROTC scholarship. Once I beacame an officer, they provided training so I could do my job well. But most importantly I had good bosses and managers that kept me motivated and helped guide me.

[ KimHubbard - 34 - 08:34:40 ]
RE: [CookesScienceClasses] Did you like being in the Air Force?
Yes, the Air Force was a good experience for me. I learned how to work with people with many differenct backgrounds and experiences.

[ KimHubbard - 38 - 08:37:17 ]
RE: [ElmwoodParkHighSchool] What was it like being a woman engineer student?
It was lots of work. Engineering classes are very intense and I had to study very hard to keep up.

[ KimHubbard - 42 - 08:41:28 ]
RE: [ElmwoodParkHighSchool] What is aeronautics?
Aeronautics deals with studying, experimenting, and developing systems that fly such as airplanes, rockets, and other experimental aircraft.

[ KimHubbard - 43 - 08:42:47 ]
RE: [caroline] Were there any other jobs that you looked at before you started working at NASA?
No, I wasn't really looking very hard for any other jobs when I got the chance to work at NASA.

[ KimHubbard - 44 - 08:45:47 ]
RE: [CookesScienceClasses] How does the WNE system work?
The WNE system was a shuttle experiment that ran once in 1996. Basically it consisted of three computers that communicated and sent data to each other using radio links (signals) instead of the usual wires.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 45 - 08:46:05 ]
As a reminder, we ask that you let us know what you thought about today's chat at its completion. You can use our online feedback forms at http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/qchats/qchat-surveys to share your thoughts with us.

[ KimHubbard - 49 - 08:48:51 ]
RE: [ElmwoodParkHighSchool] What kind of grades do you need to be an engineer?
Actually you need good grade to get into college to study engineering. You need good grades in math and science. It's a good idea to get good grades in your other subjects such as English because it's very important to be able to communicate and express yourself well to others.

[ KimHubbard - 51 - 08:49:26 ]
RE: [Lizy] Hi: I saw that you had twins. I have a twin sister. What are your girls names?
My girls are named Carmen and Vivienne.

[ KimHubbard - 52 - 08:50:45 ]
RE: [CookesScienceClasses] What is your favorite food?
I don't have a favorite food. I just like to eat all sorts of foods, especially at nice restaurants.

[ KimHubbard - 57 - 08:53:40 ]
RE: [CookesScienceClasses] What type of unique skills do you need to be a computer engineer?
You have to good programming skills and know how computers work. It's also helpful to have a can-do attitude since some projects can be rather complicated or present unexpected problems.

[ KimHubbard - 58 - 08:55:14 ]
RE: [AnthonyLorena] is your job fun or boring?
It's fun most of the time, although every now and then I have to attend boring meetings.

[ anthony - 61 - 08:57:48 ]
Our teacher has boring meetings too

[ KimHubbard - 59 - 08:57:02 ]
RE: [ElmwoodParkHighSchool] Are there a lot of other women in NASA?
There are many women who work for NASA. I don't know the exact number. However, there are more men than women at NASA.

[ KimHubbard - 62 - 08:58:22 ]
RE: [AnthonyLorena] What kind of things do you like to sew??
I like to sew simple garments such as blouses and skirts. I'm going to try to make Halloween costumes for my daughters this year.

[ KimHubbard - 63 - 08:59:13 ]
RE: [CookesScienceClasses] What is your favorite spare time activity?
Other than taking care of my family, my favorite spare time activities are reading and making jewelry with beads.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 67 - 09:00:56 ]
Kim will stay online with us for an additional 20 minutes today. For those of you leaving us at this time, be sure to let us know what you thought about today's chat at http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/qchats/qchat-surveys.

[ KimHubbard - 68 - 09:01:18 ]
RE: [caroline] When you were little, did you ever think that you would work at NASA?
Actually, no I never really imagined that I'd be working for NASA when I was little. I knew I was going to have some sort of job but it took me a few years to figure out what I wanted to do.

[ KimHubbard - 69 - 09:01:51 ]
RE: [CookesScienceClasses] Do you have any pets?
No we don't have any pets right now.

[ KimHubbard - 72 - 09:03:34 ]
RE: [ElmwoodParkHighSchool] How were you treated in the Air Force by your colleagues?
I got along very well with other Air Force personnel. I didn't have any problems. I worked with very talented and professional people.

[ KimHubbard - 74 - 09:05:03 ]
RE: [Lizy] How long have you woked at NASA? Do you ever bring your children to work with you?
I've worked at NASA for seven years, four of them full-time as a civil servant. Every now and then my children come in for a very brief visit.

[ KimHubbard - 75 - 09:05:43 ]
RE: [caroline] How many hours a day do you work?
I work 8-9 hours a day, Monday through Friday.

[ KimHubbard - 76 - 09:07:16 ]
RE: [AnthonyLorena] Have you ever had a error or accident?
When I doing programming, I make all sorts of coding errors that are quickly fixed. So far I haven't made any major software errors that have caused any accidents or problems.

[ KimHubbard - 77 - 09:09:07 ]
RE: [Jessica] Do you have any brothers or sisther that are enginner or in college?
I have five sisters who all are out of college(no brothers). One of my sisters is also an electrical engineer.

[ KimHubbard - 82 - 09:18:05 ]
RE: [Jessica] Did You win any gold medals in track?
No, the best I did was third. I was pretty slow.

[ KimHubbard - 84 - 09:19:24 ]
RE: [Jessica] Would you like to have a pet
Yes, but I want to wait until my daughters get a little older and we move to a bigger house.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 83 - 09:18:59 ]
At this time, we would like to thank everyone for joining us for today's Women of NASA chat with Kim Hubbard from NASA Ames Research Center. A special thanks to Kim for sharing her time and expertise with us!

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 85 - 09:19:47 ]
As a reminder, be sure to let us know what you thought about today's chat at http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/qchats/qchat-surveys

[ KimHubbard - 87 - 09:21:31 ]
RE: [Oran/NASAChatHost] This concludes our Women of NASA chat with Kim Hubbard. Thank you again to Kim Hubbard for joining us today!
You're welcome! Have a nice day!


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