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High-Resolution Global Coupled Ocean/Sea Ice Modeling

The objective of this project is to couple a high-resolution ocean general circulation model with a high-resolution dynamic-thermodynamic sea ice model in a global context. Currently, such simulations are typically performed with a horizontal grid resolution of about 1 degree. At this resolution (about 30 to 50 km in the polar regions), the ocean model cannot resolve very narrow current systems (including fronts and turbulent eddies) that play a crucial role in the transport of heat and salt in the global ocean. Similarly, lower-resolution sea ice models cannot resolve important dynamics that occur in regions of complicated topography (such as the Canadian Archipelago).

High-resolution (1/10 degree) POP ocean model currents
Figure 2   High-resolution (1/10 degree) POP ocean model currents at 50m depth. Blue = 0; red > 150 cm/s.

This project is running a global ocean circulation model with horizontal resolution of approximately 1/10th degree—between 11 km and 2.5 km (Figure 2). This is the highest-resolution simulation ever attempted with a such a realistic model. This configuration has dimensions of 3600 x 2400 x 40, resulting in 177 million active ocean grid points (some grid points are on land). The code being used is the Parallel Ocean Program (POP), developed at LANL under the Department of Energy’s CHAMMP program. At NERSC, 448 processors are used to run the model. One year can be simulated in about eight wall-clock days (86,000 processor hours), generating over 500 GB of output. Eight model years have been run to date, with a goal of 30–50 years. After the ocean simulation has run for 10–15 model years, it will be coupled with a sea ice model to more accurately simulate the polar circulation.

The interaction of the ocean and overlying sea ice in global coupled numerical models is poorly understood, though very important. When ocean water freezes into sea ice, salt is released into the upper ocean, making it more dense. Conversely, when the ice melts, it creates a layer of fresh water that is less dense than the underlying ocean. This delicate balance between melting and freezing is very difficult to simulate with coarse grids. In particular, high vertical resolution is needed near the surface to simulate this salinity balance correctly. High horizontal resolution is required to properly simulate the current systems that advect these salinity anomalies into the open ocean. Inaccuracies in the surface ocean properties due to poor representation of ocean-ice interaction can have wide-ranging global consequences. Most notable is the possibility that too much fresh surface water can inhibit vertical convection in the northern seas (since it is less dense than the salty water beneath it), which then disrupts the entire global heat budget. Coarse-resolution simulations have found that the circulation and heat budget are extremely sensitive to the way sea ice is prescribed in ocean-only runs. The best tool for simulating the global circulation accurately is a high-resolution, fully coupled ocean-sea ice model.

M. E. Maltrud and E. C. Hunke, Los Alamos National Laboratory; J. L. McClean, Naval Postgraduate School.

In preparation.


NERSC Annual Report 2002 Table of Contents Science Highlights NERSC Center