Donna Shirley

photo of donna shirley

Please note: Since writing this biography in 1996, Donna has retired from NASA. More information about her current activities can be found at Donna's web site.

I am manager of the Mars Exploration Program. Currenty, I manage 3 flight projects and the studies of future projects to Mars. I have a Master's Degree in Aerospace engineering. I don't do much math anymore, but I deal every day with scientists trying to understand Mars, and with the technology we need to go to Mars without costing a lot of money.

On a typical day I go to a lot of meetings. I write plans for how we are going to conduct our programs. I spend a lot of time communicating between the projects and with our NASA sponsors about various aspects of the program. I work with the people in the different projects to get them to use similar processes so that everyone isn't just doing their own thing. Following common practices is cheaper and more efficient.

Since the press release about finding signs of possible past life in the Mars meteorite, I spend 5 to 10 hours a week dealing with the media - television, radio, newspapers and magazines. I give a lot of interviews. I also give a lot of talks on the Mars program. Last week I gave two to different groups of about 200 people each. A couple of months ago I gave a talk to 1500 women at the Women In Technology International Conference in Northern California. I also write two or three papers a year describing the program.

I also spend time working to help manage Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). I work with upper management on implementing new, fairer ways to determine people's salaries. I also manage 40 people who work directly for the Mars program office, that is, I help them get the support they need to do their jobs, etc.

The most exciting thing about my job at NASA is being an integral part of the program to explore Mars.

Math was my worst subject. However, I knew I had to learn it to be an engineer, so I sweated it out. I came to JPL in 1966 (long before you guys were born) to work on a Mars program. I was an aerodynamicist working on how Mars landers would come through the atmosphere and survive without burning up or tumbling.

I was always kidded in high school for taking mechanical drawing instead of home economics classes. When I went to college I walked into my advisor's office and he said "What are you doing here?" I said, "I'm enrolling in aeronautical engineering." He said, "Girls can't be engineers." I said, "Yes I can", and I did!

You have to work really hard and be really good at your job. It is true that women have to work harder than men to get as far because most of the managers are men. I believe it will be easier as more women move into high level management positions. I have hired six people since I've been leading the Mars Program - three women and one black man. I hired these people because they were the best people for the job, not because they were women or black.

I have a daughter who attends Scripps College for Women in Claremont, California. We used to act in plays together, but now that she's in school I enjoy acting without her. My daughter and I take at least a couple of vacations each year together. In January we're going to New Zealand. I'm the membership chairman of a community theater group this year. I've written the first draft of a book on Managing Creativity, which is being reviewed right now. In the winter I ski. In the summer I used to backpack in the mountains, but I've been too busy for the last couple of years. I also play the guitar and write/sing folk songs. In the past I've done oil painting and some crafts, and this semester I'm taking an acting class.

I also take short courses and classes in useful subjects like management, geology and Russian.

When I was growing up it would have helped me to know that the space business was going to be real. I started college right after the launch of Explorer 1, the first U.S. orbiter of the earth. I studied to build airplanes but I've spent most of my career working on space. I'd probably have taken some different courses had I known I would pursue a career in space. The main thing is to be flexible. Usually you don't get to work in the same field your whole career. If you get a sound technical education and are willing to learn and work hard throughout your life you'll be o.k. and get to do fun stuff.

I have this inspirational quote from Helen Keller (a person who was both blind and deaf, but very successful) hanging on my bulletin board:

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."

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