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susan kovalik photo I am a person who acts upon my beliefs. Because of those beliefs and my teaching background (science, 4H, gifted consultant, volunteer), I decided to create my own educational consulting firm--Susan Kovalik & Associates. As its president, I travel often giving keynote speeches to inspire, encourage, and share important information with educators worldwide. I also have a staff of highly trained, qualified, and dedicated associates who travel to many schools to assist them with their ITI (Integrated Thematic Instruction) implementation.

So what is ITI? It is a unique and complete educational program that helps students, teachers, parents, and community members develop and use their academic and social skills in "real world applications." Being able to put knowledge to real world use sparked my interest in brain research. In studying brain research, I came to realize that everyone is capable of learning and excelling.

Therefore, the ITI approach to learning helps teachers and students understand how learning takes place in the brain and in cells throughout the body. The curriculum teachers write starts with a real place to study, such as a pond or a local business. Students help write their own learning activities. Students in ITI classes tell me that they can more easily remember what they study because ideas are connected through a yearlong theme. Study trips out in the community and guest speakers in the classroom make the real world a part of learning. Students also tell me about how proud they feel of their classroom appearance. ITI classrooms are very attractive, uncluttered, and have special touches (such as lamps, plants, and soft music) so that people feel comfortable and happy to be there. In other words, learning how each brain functions helps teachers and students to understand the steps and environment needed to implement and maintain daily growth.

I have also written books and created videotapes as helpful tools. ITI: The Model is the book in which I explain how understanding the biology of learning helps teachers teach with the brain. Another book I've written that may interest you is titled, Kid 's Eye View of Science. It shows how to write curriculum that begins with science ideas and leads to all other subjects. For each of these books, I collaborated with Karen Olsen and learned once again the power of working together. Writing a book required all the perseverance I could muster, but having it published is definitely worth all the work. I absolutely love the creativity I can use when I produce a videotape. I always begin with an idea of what I want the viewer to learn by watching. Then I work closely with the photographer to select the very best footage to illustrate the ideas. The music and graphic designs add the professional, finished touch.

Because I believe that students can and do make a difference now, other parts of most ITI classrooms are community service and political action. Since I believe that a major purpose of education in a democracy is to create responsible citizens, I emphasize giving many chances to practice along the way. ITI classrooms have raised money for a community project, adopted a stretch of highway to keep free of trash, and many other worthwhile projects.

I am especially proud of a project that I personally sponsored in Slovakia, a new democracy that used to be under communist authority. My associates and I made numerous trips to teach ITI to the educators there. Two ITI teachers and their families moved there for a whole year to teach more about ITI. It was quite a challenge to teach without being able to speak the language. Everything we said had to be translated! But it worked, and after five years the educators there have taken over the project. There are ITI schools throughout the country!

You can tell by now that I have strong opinions and am passionate about my beliefs. Even though non-stop travel can be exhausting at times, each presentation brings new energy as I deliver my message to all walks of life. I truly feel fortunate to have this opportunity. It is my inspiration and my personal reward!

Archive of Virtual Take Our Daughters to Work Day chat on April 23, 1998.


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