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Technology Transfer, TT


Background Intellectual Property Reviews

Whenever TT negotiates an industrial partnership agreement on behalf of Los Alamos National Security, LLC, an attempt is made to identify existing intellectual property (i.e., patents issued, patents pending, copyrights, or disclosures) that may be relevant to the agreement.

When an agreement is negotiated with a partner, all LANL background intellectual property (BIP) is listed in the agreement.

  • If the BIP has been reduced to practice (proof-of-principle, working prototype, etc.), the partner receives no grant of rights to the BIP.
  • If the partner needs rights to practice the BIP at the conclusion of the agreement, a separate licensing agreement can be negotiated to transfer rights to the partner.
  • If relevant BIP has not been reduced to practice prior to the agreement, the IP may become a subject invention of the agreement if reduced to practice under the agreement. (The Laboratory's patent attorneys can help inventors determine when a technology has been reduced to practice.)

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Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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