US Imports of Steel Mill Products
HTS Code All Products
Quantities in Metric Tons

  JUN08 JUL08 AUG08 SEP08
Product HTS Description Tons AUV
Tons AUV
Tons AUV
Tons AUV
All Products All Products 648.2 $4,538.35 761.9 $4,416.36 670.9 $4,732.14 381.8 $4,483.96
722850 OTH BRS A RODS OTH ALY STL NT FUR TH CLD-FRMD/FNSH 373.2 $4,109.21 409.6 $3,955.17 404.7 $4,144.34 143.7 $2,861.55
721921 FR SS 600MM AO W HR NT CLD OV 10MM THCK 163.5 $6,296.16 181.8 $6,265.04 159.2 $6,878.27 147.3 $6,581.31
722830 OTH BRS A RODS OTH ALY STL NT FUR TH HT-RLD/DRN/EX 49.6 $2,895.73 32.6 $3,916.89 28.6 $4,187.28 6.3 $4,977.64
722220 OTH BARS A RODS, STNLS STL, NT FUR TH CLD-FRM/FNSH 28.5 $4,017.48 21.0 $4,708.82 25.3 $4,349.66 22.0 $3,441.75
722219 OTH BARS & RODS STNLESS STEEL HR NT CIRC CROSS-SEC 6.9 $3,480.79 71.3 $3,534.42 3.4 $4,396.55 3.8 $3,388.04
722691 FLAT-ROLLED OTH ALLOY STL UN 600MM W HT-RLD 7.2 $2,678.42 42.8 $2,587.30 25.7 $2,645.06 . .
722230 OTHER BARS AND RODS STAINLESS STEEL, NESOI 3.6 $3,455.83 . . 10.6 $4,258.52 36.8 $4,182.09
722840 OTH BRS RDS OTH ALLOY STL NT FRTHR WRKD THN FORGED . . . . 5.3 $2,519.30 21.9 $2,623.57
722090 FL-RLD STNLS STL UN 600MM WDE, NESOI 10.6 $3,795.47 . . . . . .
721922 FR SS 600MM AO W HR NT CLD 4.75-NOV 10MM THCK 2.8 $5,920.33 2.8 $5,824.67 0.9 $5,367.00 . .
722011 FR SS UNDR 600MM W HR 4.75MM AO THCK 2.3 $3,600.21 . . 2.7 $4,203.74 . .
722211 OTH BARS & RODS STAINLESS STEEL CIRC CROSS-SECTION . . . . 4.5 $3,358.32 . .
730640 PIPE ETC NESOI, WELD CIR CR SECT, STAINLESS STEEL . . . . 0.0 $20666.67 . .

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: September 23, 2008, with
Licensing data collected through September 23, 2008
Data listed in order of descending volume exported during the reported period
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